Page 34 - HIWT Summer 2011 World of Welding
P. 34

THE WORLD OF WELDING                                                                


            Reception of the first e-newsletters recently released by Hobart  If HIWT has a new release, you will be the first to hear about
            Institute has been great!  They are designed to disseminate  it.  If you are interested in receiving the e-mail updates, free of
            timely information to interested customers and former students  charge, please forward your e-mail address to hiwt@welding.
            in a “green” environmentally-friendly format.      org.  Be sure to include your category of interest:

            The  e-newsletters  provide  a  way  to  keep  you  informed   •   Aerospace
            of  forthcoming  classes  and  Institute  news  in-between  the   •   Automotive
            releases of The World of Welding quarterly magazine, without   •   Construction
            becoming  that  incoming  mail  destined  to  be  immediately   •   Education or Welding Instructors
            deleted to the recycle bin on your desktop or classified as spam   •   Engineering Services
            – never to be seen again.                                 •   Fabrication / Job Shops
                                                                      •   Human Resources
            “We  want  to  keep  our  customers  informed,  yet  we  do  not   •   Inspection
            want  to  send  information  so  frequently  that  it  becomes  an   •   Maintenance
            aggravation,” explained Rich Green, Director of Development   •   Heavy Manufacturing
            at HIWT.  “We also are making an effort to target our e-mail   •   Military
            lists so that you receive information pertinent to you and your   •   Oil & Gas
            work.”                                                    •   Power Generation
                                                                      •   Welding Sales & Distribution
                                                                      •   Welding Equipment or Consumables Mfg.


            Just wanted to touch base with you and share some good news  Most complete the in-house welding program in about three
            from  Parkside  Welding  (actually  we  call  it  the  “Giordano  weeks  and  enter  into  the  yard  as  apprentices  quickly.  The
            School of Welding!”)                               students all tell me it is because of the videos we got from
                                                               Hobart  Institute,  (and  my  excellent  instruction  of  course!)
            Using the Hobart training videos, “Shielded Metal Arc Welding  The videos allow them to see the arc close up and personal
            Basic,” as well as burning a ton of wire, all of my senior class  and they can review it many times. Just wanted to thank you
            passed the Vertical /Overhead SMAW Structural Test.  We are  for helping me have a successful program, providing me with
            currently doing pipe, using the 6-inch uphill videos also. In  worthy training aids, and providing training to my guys after
            my Jr. class, we are using the blueprint materials and they  graduation. Like I tell them, we are only famous here in our
            are learning weld symbols and how to get around a print with  town.  You guys are famous worldwide with tons of job leads
            excellent result.  Hopefully they will do well at the state skills  and contacts. Thanks again.                         ~  Bill Giordano Jr.
            competition.                                                                             Parkside CTE
                                                                                                     Salisbury MD.
            Our  employment  is  great  for  my  older  students.    Two  are
            actively employed, one is applying to HOBART, and another  Comments from the classroom:
            one is attending the Ultimate Diver Program at Ocean Corp.
            The rest are a bit young to go on the job right now, but have  I just would like to share that from the street, I knew nothing
            excellent prospects when they turn 18.             about welding.  But since I started here [at Hobart Institute]
                                                               I  gained  so  much  understanding  that  I  feel  very  confident
            I got some great news from “The Apprentice School” down in  stepping  out  in  the  field,  knowing  the  great  teaching  from
            Newport News on my students who attend. They cannot believe  great instructors.   ~ A. Stafford, HIWT Student
            the quality of the welders they are getting from our program.

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