Page 3 - HIWT Fall 2013 World of Welding
P. 3                             HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING TECHNOLOGY


            By Andre A. Odermatt
            Hobart Institute of Welding Technology

            Visitors  often  observe  and                      Work ethics involve the right attitude, correct behavior, respect
            make  positive  remarks  about                     for others, effective communication and more. Positive work
            the  cleanliness  and  good                        habits include good housekeeping. Good housekeeping means
            housekeeping that is practiced                     cleanliness,  keeping  work  areas  neat  and  orderly,  reducing
            at  Hobart  Institute,  where                      wasted material, being careful in using tools, machines and
            we  believe  in  teaching  by                      equipment  and  more.  One  of  the  best  aphorisms  for  good
            example. Some visitors expect                      housekeeping is:
            that  welding  is  a  somewhat                            A place for everything and
            dirty job and that the practice
            environment  must  be  also                                  everything in its place
            somewhat  dirty.  They  are
            in  for  a  big  surprise  when
            visiting HIWT! Since work is                       Effective  housekeeping  is  an  ongoing  operation,  it  is  not  a
            an economic activity creating                      hit and miss cleanup done occasionally. Good housekeeping
            value,                                             UHVXOWV LQ EHQH¿WV IRU HPSOR\HUV DQG HPSOR\HHV  ,W FUHDWHV DQ
               we believe that the student must                economical value by reducing cost in many areas in addition
                                                               to the immense cost of accidents and lost time.
              learn the economic value of good
                                                                “A place for everything and everything in its place” is attributed
                           housekeeping.                       to Samuel Smiles, Mrs. Isabella Beeton and Benjamin Franklin.
                                                               The Oxford Book of Quotations.

            Why  should  a  welder  or  any  worker,  regardless  of  the
            occupation, pay attention to housekeeping? First and foremost,
            it keeps the welder and their surroundings safe and reduces
            workplace  hazards.  Poor  housekeeping  can
            contribute  to  accidents. According  to  the  2012
            Liberty  Mutual  :RUNSODFH  6DIHW\  ,QGH[,  the
            most disabling workplace injuries and illnesses
            in 2010 amounted to $51.1 billion in direct US                   Productivity
            workers  compensation  cost. Arguably  some  of
            this enormous expense could have been avoided
            by better housekeeping.

            Sometimes  it  is  assumed  that  good  safety
            practices  and  housekeeping  in  general  only
            require  common  sense.  While  good  common
            sense  is  certainly  helpful,  it  is  by  far  not
            enough  to  properly  protect  the  welder  and  the  Value Added
            surrounding area. Training in welding safety is
            vital  but  training  alone  cannot  change  unsafe
            habits. It requires a positive attitude.

            As  Dr.  Sundaram  Nagarajan,  Executive  Vice
            President  ITW,  said  during  the  September  9,
            2011  &KLFDJR  :HOGLQJ  ,QGXVWU\  5RXQGWDEOH:
            “You can teach people to weld, It’s much more
            GLI¿FXOW WR WHDFK WKHP D ZRUN HWKLF ´             Good Housekeeping

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