Page 3 - HIWT Fall 2015 World of Welding
P. 3


                                            Recently I received   Johns letter was flled with positive technical comments, showed
                                            a letter in the mail   his pride and passion for welding.  Here is a second chance adult
                                            from an individual   man with many opportunities to be negative or resentful, but his
                                            that was incarcerated;   passion for welding or his love for the trade as he stated made
                                            his name is John.    a strong impact on his life.  His letter went on about his developed
                                            His story in the letter   skill for welding, praise for the trade, thankfulness for his welding
                                            was rather common,   instructor and commitment to share welding with others.
                                            typical;  I made some
                                            bad choices, learned   At HIWT we know the impact our school has on all our students.
                                            my lesson and looking   Its an incredible transformation to see a student attend the HIWT
                                            forward to moving on.    program for 9 months, never welding before in his/her life and learn
                                            As I continued to read   the skill and ability to pass multiple AWS QC7 certifcations.  Then
                                            the letter two key things  a major employer offers these men and women the opportunity to
                                            came to mind that   apply those skills in the workforce.  The growth in these individuals
                                            helped me remember   is inspiring especially when the pride and passion surfaces.
                                            why I love welding;
                                            the positive impact it   Belonging to a family like the welding industry generates a sense of
            By Scott A. Mazzulla, President  has on lives and how   pride and it starts here at HIWT for our students.  As students grow
            Hobart Institute of Welding Technology  it formulates positive   in skill it fosters confdence in their ability and a positive swagger
                                            people.            as we see it when they meet employers looking to hire.  Positive
                                                               technical conversations with employers is critical to students
                                                               success here at HIWT and that learning begins immediately at

                                         And so the journey begins

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