Page 30 - HIWT World of Welding Spring-Summer 2021
P. 30

P   i c t u  r e    Y  o  u  r s  e l f   i n   t h  e   W    o r  l d    o f    W   e l  d i n g
           Picture Yourself in the World of Welding

            8th Grade Summer Camp for Skilled Trades, Corbin Middle School, Corbin, KY

                      FECo PerfPod™

                    Performance Positions On Demand
                MANUAL ARM + Winch
                   Less Expensive           SWIVEL ARM + Winch
                   Some Lifting                Safer
                   As Shown here               No Lifting
                                               Not Shown here

               JOINT DESIGNS
                  Backing (Shown)
                  Open Root
                  Root Purge                  CONFIGURATIONS
                                                 Wall Mount
                                                 Floor Mount (Shown)
                        POSITIONS                Mobile
                             1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, 6G
                                1F, 2F, 3F, 4F, 5F
                                   +/- 15°
                                     +/- 5°

                                Plate Only
                                 Pipe Only  ACCESSORIES
                                  Plate and Pipe       Large Table (Shown)
                                                     Small Table
                                                          Arm Steady
                                                              Purge Windows

                         Fischer     Visit our website to
                         Engineering   find out more

                         Company   (937)754-1750
                        welding engineering services
                 Helping industry meet welding codes and standards since 1976!

            2021 SPRING/SUMMER ISSUE  - 30 -
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