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THE WORLD OF WELDING                                                                

            CONTENTS                                                                               Spring 2012

            Early History of Arc Welding Machines in the United States by Andre Odermatt .............................................. 3
            Cover Story: High Quality Education Prepares Charles Britt for Interesting Career .......................................... 6
            The Genius of Connecticut ................................................................................................................................... 8
            A Perfect Pass ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
            Hobart Institute Grad Earns Gold Award ........................................................................................................... 10
            Get Training Now for Jobs in the Natural Gas Industry .................................................................................... 11
            Repair of 4130 Aircraft Tubing by Elmer Swank, Jr. ......................................................................................... 12
            More Than 10 Football Fields of Multi-ton Advanced Manufacturing Equipment In Action  .......................... 13
            Hobart Grads Land Jobs with Texas Company .................................................................................................. 14
            New! Oxyacetylene Welding Courseware Released .......................................................................................... 15
            Ask the Recruiter: Your First Job After College May Not Be What You Expect by Anne Kutscher ................. 16
            R U Ready To Work Rewards ............................................................................................................................. 17
            Welded Together: Vanessa and Scott Eickhoff .................................................................................................. 17
            Welder...Fabricator...Blacksmith...Artist:  Joshua Willford ............................................................................... 18
            New England Farm Kid Brings Life Back to Old Tractor By Welding by Neil Mansfield  ................................ 20
            Black and Tan Welding Gloves .......................................................................................................................... 21
            Hobart Institute Recognizes Excellence in 2012 ............................................................................................... 22
            Letters to the Editor ........................................................................................................................................... 23
            Picture Yourself in the World of Welding .......................................................................................................... 24
            Why Choose Hobart Institute?  ........................................................................................................................... 34
            Enroll in Upcoming Courses at the Institute  ...................................................................................................... 35

            Front Cover: Genius of Connecticut, 17-ft. bronze sculpture under construction at Polich Tallix Fine Art Foundry,
            Rock Tavern, New York.  The original  came to the foundry as a gilt plaster.  It was scanned and a full size model
            was made.  Then, using a lost wax process, the bronze was cast with a stainless steel armature.  The sculpture is now
            installed within the rotunda of the State Capitol Building , Hartford, CT.  For additional details, see pages 6 and 8.

            Articles submitted to The World of Welding by outside sources do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hobart Institute.  The Hobart Institute of Welding
            Technology does not endorse or promote products which may be described in the magazine other than services or products offered by the Institute.  Information
            about new products or developments in the welding industry are often press releases issued by the companies offering the products and are published based
            on their education and news value.  Such information is published for informational purposes only and the accuracy thereof is not warranted.  Purchasers of
            products featured in this magazine should investigate the product as to its quality, features, and appropriateness for purchase.

                                                       MISSION OF THE
                                          HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING TECHNOLOGY
                      The Hobart Institute of Welding Technology is a nonprofit institution dedicated to welding training and education excellence.
                 The Institute educates and trains individuals in the use and application of welding technologies;  develops and disseminates welding training
                             and educational material; and conducts certification research and qualifications for the welding industry.
                           Based in North America, The Institute continues to enhance its reputation worldwide through affiliations with
                                 leading international training organizations, assuring continued growth and self-sufficiency.
                                  The long-range mission of the Institute is to be the premier welding institute worldwide.

                                                 The World of Welding   ISSN 1545-9691
                                                    A quarterly publication of the
                                                 Hobart Institute of Welding Technology
                                             400 Trade Square East;  Troy, OH 45373 U.S.A.
                                       Phone: (800) 332-9448 or (937) 332-5000   Fax: (937) 332-5200
                                                       HIWT@welding .org
                                  Ohio State  Board of Career Colleges and Schools  Registration No. CR70-12-0064HT
                                        Andre Odermatt, President                                    Marty Baker, Editor
             Published by Post Printing Company, Minster, Ohio.

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