Page 22 - HIWT Spring 2012 World of Welding
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The Hobart Institute recognizes excellence in performance of
people who go above and beyond the requirements or levels of
desirability to exceed normal expectations. Those who have
met these goals in this past quarter are listed. A complete list
may be found on the HIWT website at http://www.welding.
Hobart Institute provides two levels of academic achievement.
This recognition is based on the grade point average of students
in the five or nine-month programs at HIWT. Candidates for
this award must reach a GPA of 3.5 to 3.79 to receive high
honors and 3.8 to 4.0 to receive the highest honors.
High honors this quarter go to Ralph W. Hagemeister -
Alpena, MI.
Nathan L. Campbell of Kokomo, Indiana, was presented the
PERFECT ATTENDANCE Hobart Institute of Welding Technology Alumni Scholarship.
Students may achieve this status by attending Hobart Institute
in the five month Structural Welding Program or the nine- Geoffrey R. Gies of Caledonia, New York, received the Peter
month Combination Structural and Pipe Welding Program C. Hobart Scholarship granted by The Troy Foundation.
without missing even one day of class. Hobart Institute Geoffrey previously had been awarded an American Welding
congratulations these students who have made this extra Society Scholarship.
effort. Future employers take notice of this achievement and
students are encouraged to strive for this goal. Ian W. Higgins of Greenville, Ohio, was granted a scholarship
from the United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters Local
Nine Months of Perfect Attendance Union No. 68.
Perfect attendance in the Combination Structural and Pipe
Welding Program this quarter was earned by Michael Adams Brandon D. Krohn of Maumee, Ohio was presented the
- Dayton, OH; Raymond W. Arrington - Henderson, NV; Kenneth Moon Scholarship by the Springfield Local School
Dillon R. Bilodeau - Homer, NY; Kiersten J. Dutenhaver District Board of Education. Brandon also received the
- Cedarville, OH; Manuel Tyler Howard - Salyersville, Springfield Township Emergency Services Association
KY; Tyler A. Smoke - Springfield, OH; Joseph D. Claar - Scholarship.
Sunman, IN; Ralph W. Hagemeister - Alpena, MI; Vincent
J. Lewis - Gaastonia, NC. Andrew Means of Greensburg, Indiana received the Delta
Faucet Company Scholarship.
It is important to recognize each student along with the Kevin Yell of Hesperia, Michigan, was granted the Newaygo
organizations or individuals who are providing these County Regional Educational Service Agency Scholarship.
scholarships. Hobart Institute encourages future students to Kevin previously received an American Welding Society
seek scholarships in their home areas as well as to apply for Scholarship, the International Scholarship of the Fabricators
national scholarships. There are many scholarships available and Manufacturers Association, and the Fremont Area
to students seeking welding education. Additional scholarship Community Foundation Scholarship
information may be found on the HIWT website at http:// Students are encouraged to learn what scholarships may be
available in their home areas and make sure to apply for them.
Marisa N. Beckstedt of Bradford, Ohio, was granted two Many community foundations and local AWS chapters offer
scholarships from The Troy Foundation including the David scholarships as well as the foundations of various companies
and Madonna Via Memorial Scholarship and the Hobart and commercial businesses. Visit the Hobart Institute website
Brothers Company Scholarship. at and review
just a few of the potential scholarships.