Page 3 - HIWT Summer 2013 World of Welding
P. 3                                       HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING TECHNOLOGY


            By Andre A. Odermatt
            Hobart Institute of Welding Technology

            Kiplinger’s year-end
            2012 letter, “Forecasts for
            Management Decision-
            making,” was entirely
            devoted to industrial robots
            of which about 1.4 million
            are already in use worldwide.
            Kiplinger also mentioned
            the welding application.
            According to Kiplinger, in
            2012 about 180,000 industrial                          Teaching the student by the guiding hand of an instructor.
            robots were shipped, roughly
            50% more than in 2010. The                         learn all this. It needs a teacher and preferably one that knows
            cost of hiring and training                        how to weld…a programmer.
            workers rises each year and the cost of automation declines.
            For many firms, investing in automation has a good payoff.  ONLY  A WELDER TURNED PROGRAMMER HAS
                                                               THE FUNDAMENTAL UNDERSTANDING  OF  ARC
            Kiplinger and other forecasters indicate a continuing increase   BEHAVIOR, WHICH ALLOWS HIM TO PROGRAM A
            in industrial robot sales, including sales of arc welding robots   WELD WITHIN THE CAPABILITIES OF THE SYSTEM
            that account for about 20% of industrial robot applications.   CLOSEST TO DUPLICATE THE HUMAN WELDER.

                    A quality training program will help customers
                       get the most out of their automation.          Teaching the robot in a pre-engineered work cell.

            Robots create jobs! It is just not possible to purchase a robot   Since a robot cannot weld without being taught, it creates a
            that can weld like a human welder. A robot can handle jobs   job…the programmer. The AWS® D16.4 American National
            with more consistency, accuracy and endurance than a human   Standard, Specification for the Qualification of Robotic Arc
            welder and can be much more productive.  However, it (the   Welding Personnel, sets the principal requirements for taking
            robot) needs to be taught how to weld. There are millions of   the  Certified  Robotic Arc Welding  (CRAW®)  examination.
            different welds, depending on the industry, the materials used,   The standard addresses in three levels: operators, technicians
            the type of welds to be made and much, much more. The robot   and  maintenance  support  personnel  functions.    For Level
            needs an instructor. Just as an experienced  instructor takes   1  certification,  a  minimum  of  1000  hours  manual  or
            the hand of a student and teaches all the proper movements,   semiautomatic arc welding experience is required.
            geometries  of the puddle,  reading  the puddle,  making
            adjustments,  and  explaining body positions, a robot needs to
                                                                                 (Continued on page 4)

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