Page 2 - HIWT Spring 2015 World of Welding
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The World of Welding

            CONTENTS                                                            Front Cover: The magical dragon on the cover
                                                                                was fabricated by the welding students from
                                                                                Jefferson County Joint Vocational School in
                                                                                Bloomingdale, Ohio.
           3       Letter from President, Scott A.   14 Time Forgot”            Articles submitted to The World of Welding

                                                     Cover Story:  “The Land That
                                                                                by outside sources do not necessarily
            4      Welding Shop Field Trip Scott     Chuck Ford Retires From Hobart   reflect the opinions of Hobart Institute.  The

                                                                                Hobart Institute of Welding Technology does
                   A. Mazzulla
                                              16 Institute
                                                                                not endorse or promote products which
                                                                                may be described in the magazine other
            6      When The Student Becomes              18 Welding             than services or products offered by the
                                                     Remembering Mike Moore Of

                   Becomes The Teacher
                                                                                Institute.  Information about new products
                                                                                or developments in the welding industry are
           7       HIWT Offers New E Course   19 Institute                      often press releases issued by the companies
                                                     April Wise Joins Hobart
                                                                                offering the products and are published based
                   Scott A. Mazzulla
                                                                                on their education and news value.  Such
            8      What Kind Of Student                         19 Corporation  information is published for informational
                                                     Ask An Employer.... Cascade
                                                                                purposes only and the accuracy thereof is not
                   Are You?
                                                                                warranted.  Purchasers of products featured in
            9      Hobart Institute Recognizes   20 Hobart Institute Of Welding  this magazine should investigate the product
                                                      Mike Higgins Retires From
                                                                                as to its quality, features, and appropriateness
                                                                                for purchase.
                   Educating Yourself Is The First     Picture Yourself In The World   MISSION OF THE
           10 Step In Completing Financial  22 Of Welding                       HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING
                   Aid                                                          TECHNOLOGY
                                                      Enroll In Upcoming Courses At   The Hobart Institute of Welding Technology
                   Delaware Areas Career Center   27 The Insitute - Skills Training   is a nonprofit institution dedicated to welding
           12 Welding Students Are Up For            and Technical Training     training and education excellence.
                   The Challenge                                                The Institute educates and trains individuals
                                                                                in the use and application of welding
                                                                                technologies;  develops and disseminates
                                                                                welding training
                                                                                and educational material; and conducts
                                                                                certification research and qualifications for the
                                                                                welding industry.
                                                                                Based in North America, The Institute
                                                                                continues to enhance its reputation worldwide
                                                                                through affiliations with
                                                                                leading international training organizations,
                                                                                assuring continued growth and self-sufficiency.
                                                                                The long-range mission of the Institute is to be
                                                                                the premier welding institute worldwide.

                                                                                   The World of Welding   ISSN 1545-9691
                                                                                      A quarterly publication of the
                                                                                   Hobart Institute of Welding Technology
                                                                                 400 Trade Square East;  Troy, OH 45373 U.S.A.
                                                                                   Phone: (800) 332-9448 or (937) 332-9500
                                                                                          Fax: (937) 332-9550
                                                                                   Ohio State Board of Career Colleges and
                                                                                  Schools  Registration No. CR70-12-0064HT
                                                                                       Scott A. Mazzulla, President
                                                                                         Lindsey Magee, Editor
                     Please visit our website to subscribe.         Published by Post Printing Company,
                                                                                            Minster, Ohio

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