Page 3 - HIWT Summer 2015 World of Welding
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Raimon Raymond Recently I had a attended a program that focused on the DOC Model
Panikkar (1918-2010) for Professional Management System focusing on 6 key elements;
was a Spanish Roman Leadership, Strategy, People Development, Business Structure,
Catholic priest that Performance Management and Culture. The question was asked
pointed out 29 ways Based on the 6 key elements, which is the most important to your
in which cultural organization. All the answers varied, surprisingly Culture being the
change can be least important. After a lengthy discussion most company leaders
brought about. Some adjusted their thinking that Culture should be #1 as that drives all
of these are: growth, else.
development, evolution,
involution, renovation, Here at HIWT our students and visitors are our priority and that
reconception, reform, drives us to support our mission which states ;
innovation, revivalism,
revolution, mutation,
progress, diffusion, The Hobart Institute of Welding Technology
osmosis, borrowing, is a nonproft institution dedicated to welding
eclecticism, syncretism, training and education excellence. The Institute
By Scott A. Mazzulla, President modernization, educates and trains individuals in the use and
Hobart Institute of Welding Technology indigenization, and application of welding technologies; develops
transformation. Quite a and disseminates welding training and
list from a very wide brush. educational material; and conducts certifcation
research and qualifcations for the welding
Culture and culture change is critical to any business. Culture industry. Based in North America, The Institute
is defned by an organizations ongoing process of fostering the continues to enhance its reputation worldwide
environment, behaviors and activities that brings the organizational through affliations with leading international
beliefs and values to life. As described and outlined in Professional training organizations, assuring continued growth
Management Systems. and self-suffciency. The long-range mission of
the Institute is to be the premier welding institute
Most graduates of HIWT will enter the workforce gainfully worldwide.
employed embarking on a successful welding career. Our
graduates accept jobs all across our nation and every one accepting
positions are also hiring into those company cultures. Those Culture here at the institute for our students is simple; it comes
companies hiring skilled welders are providing an environment from the beliefs and values of our college. To train the worlds best
of growth, evolution, innovation, progress, transformation etc. welders and provide employment opportunities for graduates to
to name a few. Employers are looking for employees that are a have sustainability for long term careers in this incredible industry
good ft with their business beliefs & values and mostly having a of welding.
positive outlook as a positive culture is extremely important to the
foundation of any organization.