Page 12 - HIWT Fall 2016 World of Welding
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Calvin Scharrer Participates in AWS Welding Education, Skills and Certification Conference
Calvin Scharrer, Marketing/Career discussion he addressed the differences in the values and work
Development Representative, requirements of the generational groups. This prompted questions
represented Hobart Institute of on ways they might be able to solve the issues, and much insightful
Welding Technology at the AWS information was gleaned from different schools and employers from
Welding Education, Skills and over the United States on the challenges they are seeing in their
Certification Conference that was respective areas. While attending, Calvin also heard presentations
held on August 10-12 in Houston, given on many AWS certification courses, and how the instructors
Texas. Calvin did a presentation can grow their programs to newer heights. The instructors gained a
entitled: Skills Gap – Bridging lot of innovative, sustainable material to take back and share with
the Gap between the Millennials their students as they can train them for the future workforce.
and the Baby Boomers. In his
Calvin Scharrer
Collaborate to Educate
By Janet Piechocki
On August 2nd and 3rd, Hobart Institute of Welding Technology also address what they are looking for when hiring a welder and
(HIWT) held their 3rd annual Collaborate to Educate conference here ways to help students to be better prepared for the workforce. Part
at HIWT. Collaborate to Educate is designed to allow instructors of the proceeds from the conference was given back in the form of
from all over the country a forum to come together and discuss three scholarships to be used toward tuition at HIWT. Participants
best practices, changes in welding education, new processes, were entered into a raffle and scholarships in the amounts of one
etc. Additionally, speakers were brought in to cover topics such as $500 and two $150 scholarships were awarded. The winning
AWS student memberships, Pipefitters and other Union apprentice instructors can award these scholarships to deserving students
and application processes, new curriculum at HIWT and AWS at their respective schools. This conference counts toward the
certification classes that are offered at the school. Local employers educator’s required continuing education units.
Winners of the HIWT scholarships were L-R: Tony Najor, Lapeer County Attendees and staff members who participated in the 2016 Collaborate to
ISD; Adam Carr, Lakeshore High School; and Derek Supanik, Parkway West Educate gather for a photo
Career and Technology Center
2016 FALL ISSUE - 12 - - 13 - 2016 FALL ISSUE