Page 3 - HIWT Winter 2017 World of Welding
P. 3

December 2017

                                                 Happy Holidays!

               By Scott A. Mazzulla, President
               Hobart Institute of Welding Technology


              As the holiday season is upon us all it’s a great time to reflect on a multitude of things that we have experienced and are thankful for.
              The holidays are about family and friends, and I draw the comparison to the welding industry.
              2018 will mark my 30th year in the industry, and if you consider getting into welding as a freshman in high school, tack on another
              4 years there.
              When I took welding in 1984 as a high school freshman, at some point during that year it “clicked”.  It felt very natural, as if it
              (welding) had accepted me.  I spent 4.5 years “being raised” by my welding instructor Mr. Thomas Murrow and after being a member
              of the Santa Rita High School Welding Technology Club, it was time to go out on my own.
              From there I enrolled at Hobart Institute of Welding Technology where I found another group of acceptance, similar to an Aunt &
              Uncle living in the Midwest taking me in.  There, the incredible group of welding instructors Ron Scott, Jim Starry, David Via, Terry
              Burr, Mike Wolfe, Steve Saul, Ben Ford, Mike Moore, Elmer Swank and others made this “family” more solidifying. Even though I did
              not always agree with my grades, (I truly was not as good as I told them I was or thought), they were quick to humble me.  For them,
              I am thankful.
              Then comes the industry, graduate from Hobart Institute and
              “bang” here’s a job and good luck!  Now family takes on the same
              meaning, just on a larger scale.  Over the course of my career the
              acceptance has continued and magnified due to the volume of
              great people I have met.

              Each year the AWS Fabtech Trade Show event takes place and it’s
              been described in a humorous fashion as a “family reunion” event
              for many people with long industry tenures.  This year in Chicago
              where the event was held, it “clicked” again. We shook hands,
              exchanged some hugs and discussed stories of retirement and
              even the passing of great individuals who served the industry well.
              The industry is a family, and this event is a family reunion.
              My encouragement is to any youth, military veteran, second
              chance adult, career shifter or someone looking for a “family”, the
              welding industry is welcoming to all!
              And of course a sign here on campus that states “YOUR WELDING   Welding Technology Club- Santa Rita High School, Tucson, Arizona
              CAREER STARTS HERE”.                              1987, Scott Mazzulla, kneeling.

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