Page 7 - HIWT Winter 2017 World of Welding
P. 7

Additional AWS Offerings                            What’s the Value in Earning an

            These courses are also available: Preparation for AWS Certified
            Welding Supervisor Examination, Certified Welding Educator   AWS CWI Status?
            Examination, Recertification of CWI, and CWI Code Endorsement.  HIWT Senior Tech Instructor Elmer Swank Jr. sees great value
            Nondestructive Details                              in achieving the CWI status. If an individual who likes welding
                                                                and inspection wants to challenge him or herself, or gets injured
            At HIWT’s new facility, the nondestructive testing lab and classroom   and can’t crawl, for example, trying to achieve this distinction is
            is set up for 12 students to learn hands-on liquid penetrant and   another employment path.
            magnetic particle inspection. These are taught over a one-week,
            40-h class, where 21⁄2                              “As a CWI, they can use their knowledge and experience in a
            days are spent on each                              different way,” Swank said. “It’s not as physically demanding,
            topic. The class ends                               and they can stay in the industry.”
            with a written exam.                                In addition, Technical Training Instructor Russ Shurtz said, “Any
            Content consists of                                 place in the industry with a code-type welding, someone needs
            interpretation and                                  to do visual inspection. It’s a valuable credential. You can move
            evaluation of indications;                          up in careers, maybe if you don’t want to be under the hood. It
            test procedures and                                 does open up more responsibilities.”
            standards; effects
            of discontinuities
            on materials;      Fig. 3 — Applying cleaner, penetrant, and   while a qualification is the
                               developer sprays on a welded specimen as
            magnetization/     part of liquid penetrant inspection reveals   ability to produce a sound weld
            demagnetization; and   transverse cracks (as seen here in red).  to a procedure. Testing is also
            evaluation techniques                              code dependent, so based on
            and quality control.                               the application, adhering to
                                                               what’s specified in a particular
            Equipment includes                                 code takes place.
            fluorescent liquid
            penetrant sprays,                                  “It’s stating this welder can
            involving cleaners,                                pass this procedure to make
            penetrants, and                                    sound welds,” explained
            developers, that get                               Testing Specialist and Welding
            applied to welded                                  Instructor David Chambers Sr.
            specimens to reveal                                He’s also a CWI and CWE.   Fig. 5 — A — Set to undergo a
                                                                                        guided bend test, this welded piece
            transverse cracks, as   Fig. 4 — Wet fluorescent magnetic particle   The equipment includes band   of A36 steel is shown in its original,
            well as wet fluorescent   inspection takes place in the nondestructive   saws, grinders, bending   horizontal form (see the middle of
                               testing lab at HIWT’s facility.
            magnetic particle                                  machines where welded    the photo); B — after the guided
            inspection machines that create magnetic fields so particles find   specimens are turned into   bend test, this piece is now in a U
            voids and flaws show under black lights —          U shapes to find surface   shape, which helps indicate surface
            Figs. 3, 4.                                        discontinuities, tensile   discontinuities.
            Testing Specialist and Welding Inspector Luke Bailey, who’s also   machines to test the yield
            a CWI and CWE, noted students taking this course range from   strengths of metals by
            beginners to experienced bridge and airplane workers. “There’s a lot   applying force, heat-treating
            to learn, and some are more familiar with one process vs. another,”   capabilities for annealing
            he said, of what’s challenging.                    welded specimens, polishing
                                                               devices, microscopes, and a
            “All our students do an AWS-QC7 National Welder Certification test   Charpy V-notch tool — Figs. 5A,
            [which is part of their tuition],” Bailey added. Passing gives them a   B and 6.
            step up, because it proves to employers they can complete this type
            of test.                                           “If a setup is wrong, you can
                                                               injure yourself,” Chambers
            Continuing education classes include fundamentals of visual   warned, so safety is stressed.
            inspection and arc welding inspection.
                                                               Additionally, 24 welding booths
            Destructive Highlights                             are located in an adjoining lab   Fig. 6 — A band saw blade (front,
                                                               if an employer wants to qualify   right) cuts a block of metal so its
            The welder performance qualification lab is for destructive testing         inside contents can be seen and
            and serves as a process lab.                       employees, which can be   further tested.
                                                               custom tailored.
            Students learn that a procedure is the instruction to make a weld,                     (Continued on page 10)

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