Page 13 - Hobart Institute of Welding - Fall 2020 World of Welding
P. 13

HIWT Instructor Retires
            By: Janet Piechocki and Tom Crawford

            HIWT instructor Tom Crawford’s                      soon realized his true calling was to teach.  In 1982 Tom packed up
            favorite saying is “Whaaaat???” so                  and moved back to Troy, Ohio to become a welding instructor at the
            a student decided to make these                     Institute.
            helmet stickers in his honor.                       During Tom’s tenure, he continued to develop his knowledge and
            After nearly 39 years devoted to                    skills, eventually becoming qualified to teach all aspects of course
            welding and welding education,                      work offered by the Institute. Unfortunately, an economic downturn
            Tom has made the decision to                        caused temporary layoffs at the Institute.  During this time, Tom
            follow the lead of his last two                     took a position at a local fabrication shop where he was involved in
            senior mentors, Jim Starry and                      the fabrication the orbital access arm for the NASA space shuttle
            Elmer Swank, and retire this year.                  program.
            As he reflected back to the first time he took an
            interest in welding, he recalls the welding classes he took in his   Soon Hobart Institute called Tom and asked him to return.  There
            junior and senior years of high school.             were two openings at the time, one for a technical training
                                                                instructor and one for a skill training instructor.  Tom had to make
            Tom was raised in a small town in Indiana, first learning to be a   the decision on which way he wanted to go.  He had gained
            butcher then changing course to pursue his dream of welding at a   considerable experience as a skill instructor prior to the layoff so
            local fabrication shop. As his love of welding continued to grow, he   he decided to pursue the technical training opportunity to further
            remembered a packet his high school guidance counselor had given   strengthen his skills in knowledge. In this position Tom conducted
            him about the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology.  Tom decided   lectures and training related to welding theory and methodology for
            to relocate to Troy, Ohio to pursue an education in welding while   corporate clients.
            continuing to gain experience at the fabrication shop back home on
            the weekends. After Tom completed the program at the Institute,   In the mid-eighties, Hobart Brothers Co. began moving into welding
            he returned home to the fabrication shop in Indiana.   automation. Tom decided to pursue a welding technician position
                                                                with the newly developed Advanced Welding Systems Division.
            Little did Tom know his life was about to change. One sunny   Tom worked with all aspects of welding automation including Gas
            morning, the phone rang and to his surprise it was the   Tungsten Arc Welding and Plasma Arc Welding processes.  His
            superintendent of the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology.   teaching continued with the Advanced Welding Systems Division
            Tom was asked if he would be interested in a six-month contract   and he traveled extensively both internationally and domestically
            with an LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) company based in Texas.   installing welding systems and training end users.
            The superintendent explained that all the necessary welding
            training and testing would take place at HIWT. After completing   In 1993, Tom was called to return to HIWT as a CWI/Testing
            the necessary training and qualification, Tom would travel to   Specialist working in the Institute’s certification department. This
            Dunkerque, France to perform repairs on LNG tanker ships in   new position required him to travel to customer sites where he
            dry dock. He really couldn’t say yes fast enough, but he told the   would conduct training and testing on location.  After nearly 20
            Superintendent that out of respect for his boss, who had given him   years of this, he returned to skill instruction where he would finish
            months off to pursue his dream of attending Hobart Institute of   out his nearly 39-year career in welding education.
            Welding Technology, he needed to discuss it with him before giving   Tom has always had a passion for teaching others the skills he
            a final answer. Tom’s boss was a great guy and after sharing the   has acquired during his welding career.  He has used his blessings
            exciting news of this great opportunity, his boss told him to go for it   of good hand eye coordination and his best customer service
            because offers like that only come once in a lifetime.  techniques to teach thousands of students to be the best welder
            When Tom returned to Troy, Ohio, he began extensive training   they can be.  Tom feels he has achieved the American dream.  Now
            and testing on a material called INVAR. This metal was thirty six   he says he is leaving the best job ever, but the memories he has
            percent nickel alloy and was less than 1 mm thick. After all the   helped create and shared will be cherished forever.
            training and qualifications, he traveled to Dunkerque, France to   Tom says that he will never really leave the teaching of welding
            bring his welding education to fruition. After completing the six-  that he loved. He said he will take part of it with him and has left
            month assignment, Tom returned to his welding life in Indiana, but   part of it with each new welder he has touched.

                                                                          - 13 - 2020 FALL ISSUE
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