Page 4 - HIWT Spring 2011 World of Welding
P. 4

THE WORLD OF WELDING                                                                 

                   THE JOY OF WELDING

                   By Janet Piechocki
                   Admissions Representative
                   Hobart Institute of Welding Technology

                                                  Todd Smith was happy
                                                  to work at the stone
                                                  quarry near his parents’
                                                  house after graduating
                                                  high school but Todd’s
                                                  parents had higher
                                                  aspirations for their
                                                  son.   After two years
                                                  at the stone quarry,
                                                  with little opportunity
                                                  to advance,  Todd’s
                                                  parents suggested that    Sculpture created by Todd Smith’s students at Tri Star
                                                  he go back to school      Career Compact for Coldwater High School (Ohio).
                                                  and pick up a skill.
                                                  His uncle pushed him
                                                  towards welding and
                                                  suggested that he go
                                                  to Hobart Institute of
                                                  Welding Technology.
                                                  Todd’s mother had
                   some reservations about Hobart and quizzed his uncle about
                   how good the school actually was.

                   Todd’s uncle replied, “It’s the best welding school in the

                   In the spring of 1973,  Todd graduated from Hobart.  Ray
                   Dunlavy was the president of the school at the time.  Todd took
                   his first job at New Idea Farm Equipment in Coldwater, Ohio
                   and worked there for 12 years.  Todd also did maintenance and
                   repair on excavating equipment for a couple years and did a
                   small stint with Strick Corporation in Monroe, Indiana, before
                   beginning his career as a teacher at Tri-Star Career Compact
                   in St. Marys in 1986.  Todd attended the University of Toledo
                   to receive his teaching certification.  He also came back to
                   Hobart in 1993 to take the Preparation for the AWS Certified   One of the angels created by Todd Smith’s students at
                   Welding Inspector/Educator Course, which he passed.      Tri Star Career Compact for the Cancer Association.

                   One of the unique things that  Todd does with his students  The last person on the line gives the angel a polyurethane
                   is to create a production line scenario to teach his students  clearcoat.  Students are given two weeks to complete the
                   the importance of quality, consistency, and pace. The seniors  task.   The finished angels are then donated to the cancer
                   have a time frame for manufacturing 150 angel “products.”  A  association.
                   foreman is chosen by the senior students and then everyone
                   is assigned a place on the production line. The foreman keeps  Currently, Todd has a great class at Tri-Star.  His students are
                   the departments running smoothly and reassigns workers if  highly motivated and eager to excel in the field of welding.
                   one department gets behind. Line positions consist of layout,  The mutual respect that Todd shares with his students makes
                   plasma cutting, welding, grinding, sanding and finishing.    teaching and learning a joy for all involved.

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