Page 6 - HIWT Spring 2011 World of Welding
P. 6

THE WORLD OF WELDING                                                                 

                   IS CURRENT EDUCATION

                   TREND WRONG?

                   (Continued from page 3)

                   Many of the activities in the real world are time based.
                   I recently purchased an iPad and the moment I started
                   to understand how to use it, I read about the upcoming
                   release of a new, updated version and about several
                   competitors releasing similar products this year.

                   Competition seems to be a war over time! If company
                   X can produce a gadget in less time than company Y, it
                   is possible that gadget X is less expensive and company
                   X may sell more gadgets at a lower price and becomes
                   more successful than company Y. Time is a precious
                   asset we own and it is our responsibility as educators
                   to make students aware of this, no matter how difficult
                   it may be in some cases.

                                                                                   Egrets by Sandy A.M. O’Connor

                                                                                         Story on page 7

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