Page 6 - HIWT Fall 2012 World of Welding
P. 6

THE WORLD OF WELDING                                                                


            Hobart  Institute  of Welding Technology  has
            launched their new and improved website.

            This total revision, with user-friendly, drop-down
            menus, makes the important information for
            Certifi cation, Skill Training, Technical Training,
            Safety and much more a focal point as you slide
            the mouse across the screen.  Quick clicks on
            icons bring information for E-courses, Military
            Veterans, Displaced Workers, Certifi ed Welding
            Inspection/Education/Supervision Candidates,
            Catalogs,  Tours, News and Events,  Welding
            History, and additional offerings rapidly to your
            desktop in convenient formats.

            Online ordering of training and promotional
            materials makes shipping from our store to your
            door a smooth transition.  Browse through our

            library collection from your desktop.  Former      Welding training, certification, or materials for teaching the
            and current students along with employers may also access  latest technology make a visit to well worth
            the Jobs bank in their search for the most fi tting employment  your time.  Let us know what you think by dropping an e-mail
            or to review a list of resumes that students have posted.  to  And while you are online, join us on

            View the most current issue of The World of Welding at your  FaceBook, YouTube, and LinkedIN.  It’s time to launch your
            convenience.                                       welding career!  Check

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