Page 11 - HIWT Fall 2013 World of Welding
P. 11                             HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING TECHNOLOGY


            By Janet Piechocki
            Admissions Representative
            Hobart Institute of Welding Technology

                                      6SULQJ¿HOG &ODUN   &DUHHU
                                      Technology  Center  (CTC)
                                      LQ  6SULQJ¿HOG   2KLR  KRVWHG
                                      LWV  ¿UVW  HYHU  ZHOGLQJ  URGHR
                                      on  Friday,  April  19,  2013.
                                      Under  the  direction  of
                                      Instructor  Brian  Massie,  the
                                      welding  rodeo  idea  came
                                      to  fruition  to  bring  about
                                      welding  awareness  amongst
                                      the community. The welding
                                      students wanted everyone to
                                      know how important welding
            is to our economy and daily lives.
                                                               Ultimately  the  students  created  a  turtle,  dinosaur,  scorpion,
            :KDW LV D ZHOGLQJ URGHR \RX DVN" 6L[ WHDPV RI ¿YH VWXGHQWV   spider and a crane.  The creations were judged by community
            HDFK  KDG  ¿YH  KRXUV  WR  FUHDWH  D  ZHOGHG  VFXOSWXUH  EDVHG  RQ   members using a 5 point system:
            a given theme. The theme this year was, “The Nature That
            Surrounds Us”. Safety rules and a tool list were provided prior   (1) Aesthetics
            to the start of the event. Working with scrap metal that was   (2) Quality of workmanship
            donated by area companies, welding students teamed up with   (3) Adherence to competition theme
            students from the graphics and multimedia departments. The   (4) Durability and safety
            students had to brainstorm, create a drawing and a blueprint.     (5) Appropriateness for public display.
            They then cut and welded their project.   The teams worked all
            afternoon right up to their deadline of 5:00 p.m.  ,Q  WKH  HQG   WKH  WXUWOH  WRRN  ¿UVW  SODFH   $OO  VFXOSWXUHV  ZHUH
                                                               auctioned  off  at  the  Clark  County  Fair  in  August  and  the
                                                               proceeds were donated to a local soup kitchen. The success of
                                                               the rodeo has other schools looking forward to participating
                                                               LQ QH[W \HDU¶V URGHR  7KH HYHQW DOVR LQVSLUHG 6SULQJ¿HOG &7&
                                                               students to push for a “Welding Awareness Day” in the future.

            Students  from  the  Multimedia  program  video  recorded  the
            event as parents and grandparents cheered for their students.

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