Page 13 - HIWT Fall 2013 World of Welding
P. 13                             HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING TECHNOLOGY


            (Continued from page 12)

            the US Navy Seabees, always talked very highly about that
            school and how a lot of his skill and knowledge was acquired
            through Hobart. Much of my senior year was spent deciding
            on  what  I  would  do  upon  graduation,  knowing  I  would
            work in the welding trade.  I had to decide whether to start
            working immediately or take my skill and knowledge to an
            even greater level. That’s when I made my decision to attend
            Hobart  Institute.  Summer  went  by  quickly  and  I  was  now
            ready to start a new learning experience.

            There were a lot of mixed emotions the day of my departure.
            I had never been this far away from family and friends for
            this  much  time,  but  I  knew  coming  to  Ohio  and  attending
            Hobart was a goal and dream of mine and something I would
            never regret. As I write this, I am now only a week away from
            completing eight months of my nine month program here at
            Hobart and I now know how great of a decision I have made
            to  come  here.  My  experiences  at  Hobart  and  in  Ohio  will
            never be forgotten. Hobart has been a very valuable learning
            experience for me, The instructors here were very helpful no
            matter what question you had there was always an answer.
            The times where some weld processes or weld positions were              Jacob Wright
            on-one time needed to help master the task at hand.  I have  I would like to dedicate this article to my family and friends,
            seen and met many people here who have come with little  P\ KLJK VFKRRO ZHOGLQJ LQVWUXFWRUV DQG PHQWRUV 1HLO 0DQV¿HOG
            experience in the trade and are now skilled welders who can  and George Aziz. And most importantly my father for always
            EH PRUH FRQ¿GHQW WKDQ HYHU WR JR WR D FRPSDQ\ DQG ZRUN  being  there  to  support  me  and  always  believing  in  me  and
            as a welder because of the knowledge and skills acquired at  helping me become the person I am today.
            Hobart, including me.

            2QFH  ,  ¿QLVK  VFKRRO   ,  ZLOO
            travel back home to start my
            career and future as a welder
            and fabricator, always taking
            with me the skills learned in
            high  school  and  at  Hobart,
            while  still  learning  and
            increasing  my  knowledge  in
            the  trade  along  the  way.    I
            have  a  lot  of  expectations
            for my future in the welding
            and  fabrication  trade  and
            many  goals  and  dreams  still
            to conquer, but I will always
            remember where I started as
            a young student stepping into           Celebrating 50 years of service to Industry
            the world of welding.
                                               providing Tooling, Machining and Special Systems.

                                          1040 S. Dorset, Troy, Ohio 45373   Ph: 937-440-2500  Fax: 937-440-2551

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