Page 2 - HIWT Fall 2016 World of Welding
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CONTENTS                                                            Articles submitted to The World of Welding
                                                                                by outside sources do not necessarily
                                                                                reflect the opinions of Hobart Institute.  The
                                                                                Hobart Institute of Welding Technology does
           3       Letter from President,                       12 AWS Welding Education, Skills and   not endorse or promote products which

                                                     Calvin Scharrer Participates in
                   Scott A. Mazzulla
                                                                                may be described in the magazine other
                                                     Certification Conference    than services or products offered by the
                                                                                Institute.  Information about new products
            4      Central Ohio                      Collaborate to Educate     or developments in the welding industry are
                                                                                often press releases issued by the companies
            ?? ???                                                              offering the products and are published based
                                                                                on their education and news value.  Such
           5       Coming Back Home           14     Hobart Institute Recognizes Excellence  information is published for informational
                                                                                purposes only and the accuracy thereof is not
                                                     2017-18 FAFSA
                                                                                warranted.  Purchasers of products featured in
                                                                                this magazine should investigate the product
            6      Pocket Welding Guide, 31st Edition –  15   Scholarships      as to its quality, features, and appropriateness
                                                                                for purchase.

            8      Still Asking Elmer         16     The Scholarship Search Starts Now  MISSION OF THE

                                                                                HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING
           10                                        Picture Yourself In                               The Hobart Institute of Welding Technology
                   HIWT Institute Adds New Staff
                                              17 The World Of Welding
                                                                                is a nonprofit institution dedicated to welding
                                                                                training and education excellence.
                                                                                The Institute educates and trains individuals
                                                     Enroll In Upcoming Courses At  The   in the use and application of welding
                                              19 Institute                      technologies;  develops and disseminates
                                                                                welding training and educational material;
                                                                                and conducts certification research and
                                                                                qualifications for the welding industry.

            Front Cover:  Cover photo provided by Jacob Aldridge, a graduate of Hobart Institute of   Based in North America, The Institute
            Welding Technology’s  Structural & Pipe Welding Program.  Jacob started in welding as a   continues to enhance its reputation worldwide
            fabricator eleven years ago in the automotive restoration market working on all types of classic   through affiliations with leading international
            vehicles.  Through this, he found his passion of using metals and welding as a form of art.  After   training organizations, assuring continued
            completing the program at HIWT, he stated that “Hobart completely changed my perception   growth and self-sufficiency. The long-range
            of welding, the welding trade and really allowed me the time to let my passions become   mission of the Institute is to be the premier
            perfected”.  Jacob currently lives in Dayton, Ohio where he has taken his education and   welding institute worldwide.
            applied it to creating more artwork, restoring classic cars and fabricating projects for his
            friends and family.

                                                                                   The World of Welding   ISSN 1545-9691
                                                                                      A quarterly publication of the
                                                                                   Hobart Institute of Welding Technology
                                                                                 400 Trade Square East;  Troy, OH 45373 U.S.A.
                                                                                   Phone: (800) 332-9448 or (937) 332-9500
                                                                                          Fax: (937) 332-9550
                                                                                   Ohio State Board of Career Colleges and
                                                                                  Schools  Registration No. CR70-12-0064HT
                                                                                       Scott A. Mazzulla, President
                                                                                         Lindsey Magee, Editor
                     Please visit our website to subscribe.         Published by Post Printing Company,
                                                                                            Minster, Ohio

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