Page 4 - HIWT Fall 2016 World of Welding
P. 4
Central Ohio
The Central Ohio Section held a meeting at the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology in February.
The Central Ohio Section held a meeting at the Hobart Institute of areas of the HIWT and a stop back in time in the Hobart Historical
Welding Technology (HIWT) in Troy, Ohio, on 23 February. Members Welding Gallery, the latter being a thoughtful display of exhibits
from the Dayton and Columbus American Welding Society (AWS) and information related to the chronological history of welding
sections were also present. Collectively, there were 16 members, technologies and general metal working. The gallery is not open to
guests, and students in attendance. the general public. The last part of the tour was guided by Magee
and Fred Henman, HIWT technical instructor.
The group was welcomed by four members of HIWT and Hobart
Brothers staff. The meeting included an interesting overview of The Section would like to thank HIWT and Hobart Brothers Filler
the school’s mission, training, and services presented by Business Metal for an informative and enjoyable evening learning about
Development Manager Lindsey Magee, followed by an informative advanced weld training and weld filler metal production. Speaker
tour of the production facility of the adjoining Hobart Filler Metals awards unique to the Section were given to the presenters at a
plant guided by Kevin Trick, of Hobart Filler Metals. Immediately later date.
after that the group was treated to a walking tour of the laboratory
From Materials Evaluation, Vol. 74, No. 7. Reprinted with permission
of The American Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc.
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