Page 9 - HIWT World of Welding Fall 2021-Winter 2022
P. 9

HIWT Holds Final Job Fair of 2021

       By: Melinda Gladish
       When potential students                                  their program. We provide a career assistance meeting to help them as
       make decisions about where                               they prepare for resume building and job searches. Our job board grows
       to attend college, one of the                            daily boasting several times more positions than we have students.
       many things they consider is                             In September we held our final job fair of the year. The one-day
       the job outlook for the field                            event gave students the opportunity to speak with nearly 40 different
       they are going in. Currently,                            employers in several states about potential positions within their
       welding is one of the fields                             organizations. Each event, we have numerous students who accept
       that has thousands more                                  positions with the companies they met during the fair. The school holds
       jobs than there are welders                              job fairs in March, June, and September. If you are an employer and are
       to fill them and according                               interested in participating in our job fairs, please email the school at
       to the American Welding                        
       Society, that is not going
       to change anytime soon. At HIWT we work hard to ensure students have
       extensive employment opportunities available to them as they complete

            Visit or call 1.855.MIGWELD (644-9353) for more information

        2021 FALL/2022 WINTER ISSUE        9                                RETURN TO TABLE OF CONTENTS
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