Page 10 - HIWT Fall 2011 World of Welding
P. 10

THE WORLD OF WELDING                                                                

                           does YoUr                           sUrfaCe PreParatioin
                    WeldinG traininG                           for 6061-t6 alUMinUM
                       MeasUre UP to

                 indUstrY standards?
                                                                                            By Elmer Swank, Jr.
                                                                                            AWS CWI/CWE/CWS
                                                                                            Technical Instructor
                                                                                            Hobart Institute


                                                               We are welding 6061-T6  aluminum ampules, 10"  outside
                                                               diameter x 1/4" wall tube to a machined 10" outside diameter
                                                               x 3/8" thick round flange.  The question I have pertains to
                 Put 80 years of world-class welding training   surface preparation prior to welding.
               experience from the Hobart Institute of Welding
                        Technology to work for you.            Should the tube be glass beaded to remove the slag, or
                                                               machined prior to welding?
             •  Complete curriculum on all major processes
             •  Modular design                                 resPonse:
             •  Close-up shots of the welding arc highlighting
                 proper technique                              From your question I’m not sure if you are gas metal arc or gas
             •  Easy-to-follow “how-to” student workbook design  tungsten arc welding.
             •  Comprehensive instructor guides
             •  Based on AWS S.E.N.S.E. objectives using       To prepare 6061-T6 or any aluminum alloy for welding, the
                 standard AWS terms and definitions            surface must be free from cutting fluids, oil and grease. The
             •  DVD technology for ease in locating daily lessons  surfaces to be joined must also be dry.

                         For more information call             The aluminum has an oxide coating, Al O  that makes aluminum
                          800.332.9448 ext. 5433               more difficult to weld than other metals. The aluminum melts
                             or shop online at                 at 1200 degrees F. and the oxide melts at 3600 degrees F. The
                                      aluminum and the oxide are not soluble, so the oxide must
                                                               be removed before or during welding.  The cleaning action
                                                               produced by most gas metal arc welding machines today is
                                                               adequate. For gas tungsten arc welding with a square wave AC
                                                               power source, you can adjust the AC balance control for just
                                                               the right amount of cleaning action.

                                                               The aluminum oxide is very hard and I think bead blasting
                                                               would only  clean  the  oxide  surface  instead  of  removing
                                                               the oxide from the aluminum. Wire brushing with a clean,
              World-class training from a world-class institute.  stainless steel wire brush would be more effective, but we still
                                                               need the cleaning action from the arc to remove the remaining
                       © 2011 Hobart Institute of Welding Technology  oxide from the base metal and the filler wire.

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