Page 6 - HIWT Fall 2011 World of Welding
P. 6

THE WORLD OF WELDING                                                                

            JoB fair eXHiBits GradUal eConoMiC reCoVerY

            In late April, Hobart Institute  held a job fair for students.
            Sixteen employers set up displays and took time to share
            information and speak with prospective welding employees.
            A great turn-out of approximately 100 students visited the job
            fair  to get  brochures, business cards, and learn  more  about
            the opportunities available to them when they complete their
            Hobart Institute training.

            HIWT  Admissions Representative  Janet Piechocki  planned
            the event and invited the human resource managers, some of
            whom were from the Ohio area while others were representing
            national  or international  companies.  The job fair gave the
            employers the opportunity to chat with students in a more
            social atmosphere than is possible at times with one-on-one   Students speak with prospective employers at
            interviews.                                                  a recent job fair held at Hobart Institute.

            This job fair exhibited the gradual economic recovery being
            experienced in the manufacturing and construction segments
            of the welding world.   These companies  come to Hobart
            Institute because they know the quality of the welding training
            that  students are receiving  and know the level  of expertise
            they have come to expect from HIWT graduates.
            A Hobart 1_2 page ad.qxd:ITW Companies  9/9/09  8:58 AM  Page 1

               ATradition of Filler

               Metal Excellence

               Hobart Brothers Company is proud
               to be a leading provider of
               superior welding filler metals,
               technical education and customer
               service for the welding industry.

                                      Our brands meet your needs.

                 Our Hobart brand filler metals feature  Our premier Tri-Mark brand of wires  McKay brand stainless steel filler
                 such benefits as superior arc   are designed to improve weld quality,  metals provide excellent arc
                 performance, fast freezing slag, high  speed productivity and offer the best  characteristics, while our hard
                 deposition rates and more!      mechanical and chemical properties  surfacing products offer superior
                                                 for the job.                    build-up or overlay welds.
               Toll Free: 800-424-1543  Web:

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