Page 11 - HIWT Spring 2011 World of Welding
P. 11                                       HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING TECHNOLOGY


                   In response to the many requests we have received to  The site license, granted for a three year period,
                   distribute Hobart Institute training materials by way of  includes a signed document authorizing the electronic
                   school and company intranets (private networks), HIWT  distribution of Hobart Institute’s training materials to
                   has developed a site license.  Effective immediately,  others within your organization’s secure network.  The
                   in order to place Hobart Institute’s training DVD’s  intranet distribution of Hobart Institute DVD’s without a
                   on intranets, it is now required that a site license (SL)  site license is prohibited.
                   be purchased for each DVD program acquired from
                   Hobart Institute of Welding Technology (HIWT).   DVD  A site license may be obtained through the website at
                   programs may contain multiple DVD’s.   A separate or by contacting:
                   site license is required for each program you intend to
                   distribute to your students, staff, or employees.                       Bookstore
                                                                              Hobart Institute of Welding Technology
                   You might ask, “I have purchased the complete Shielded            400 Trade Square East
                   Metal Arc Welding Basic courseware for my school.  It                Troy, OH  45373
                   contains four DVD’s.  I now want to place the program    1.800.332.9448. ext. 5433 or 937.332.5433
                   on a server for my students to view in the media center.            Fax:  937.332.5220
                   How many site licenses do I need to purchase?”            

                   The response to that question is, “One site license must
                   be purchased to accomplish this task.”

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