Page 21 - HIWT Summer 2011 World of Welding
P. 21                                       HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING TECHNOLOGY


            The Hobart Institute recognizes excellence in performance of people who go above and beyond the requirements or levels of
            desirability to exceed normal expectations.  Those who have met these goals in 2011 or since the last issue of the magazine are
            listed.  A complete list may be found on the HIWT website at

            Hobart Institute provides two levels of academic achievement.  This recognition is based on the grade point average of students
            in the five or nine-month programs at HIWT.  Candidates for this award must reach a GPA or 3.5 to 3.79 to receive high honors
            and 3.8 to 4.0 to receive the highest honors.

            Jeffrey Fredenburg - Linden, MI; Jesse Gilliland - Celina, OH

            Students may achieve this status by attending Hobart Institute in the five-month Structural Welding Program or nine-month
            Combination Structural and Pipe Welding Program without missing even one day of class. Hobart Institute congratulates these
            students who have made this extra effort. The list is growing and students are encouraged to strive for this goal.
            Nine Months of Perfect Attendance
            Roy Banner - Dayton, OH; Derreck Block - Troy, OH; Richard Easter - Cottageville, WV; William Erne - Richmond, IN;
            Jeffrey Fredenburg - Linden, MI; Alonzo Hess - Troy, OH; Anthony Murray - Springfield, OH; Dandy Summers - Troy,
            OH; Theodore Vanbrink - Cooperstown, NY.

            It is important to recognize each student along with the organizations or individuals who are providing the financial assistance.
            Scholarships previously announced in The World of Welding are not included in this listing.  Hobart Institute encourages future
            students to seek scholarships in their home areas as well as to apply for national scholarships.  There are many scholarships
            available to students seeking welding education.  Additional scholarship information may be found on the HIWT website at
            Kiersten Dutenhaver of Cedarville, Ohio received the Raymond C. Dunlavy Scholarship presented by the Hobart Institute.
            Patrick Flanery of Shelby, Michigan received the Anacker-Fitzpatrick Fund Scholarship from the Community Foundation for
            Muskegon County, Michigan.
            Brandon McCory of Seymour, Indiana was presented the Chili Appreciation Society International, Inc., Dallas, Texas.
            Corey Spoon of Burlington Flats, New York received The Clark Foundation  Scholarship, Cooperstown, New York.
            Torrence Winbush of Cincinnati, Ohio  received  the Nesalis Foundation Scholarship, Cincinnati, Ohio.

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