Page 17 - HIWT Summer 2011 World of Welding
P. 17                                       HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING TECHNOLOGY



                                                                                  Jennifer Monnin
                                                               Long-time board member, Scott Santi is stepping down.  He
                                                               has served the board well and his resignation is accepted with
                                                               sincere regret.  Scott is Vice Chairman of Illinois Tool Works
                             Sundaram Nagarajan

            April  29,  2011  –  Troy,  OH  – At  their  annual  meeting,  the   Show Your
            Board of Directors of the Hobart Institute of Welding Technol-  Student ID for
            ogy elected Sundaram Nagarajan, Ph.D. and Jennifer Monnin   10% Discount!
            to serve on the Board.                                         Gases • Welding Supplies

            Sundaram Nagarajan (Naga) currently is employed as Execu-  Celebrating 91 Years In The Miami Valley
            tive Vice President of Illinois Tool Works.  His responsibilities
            with ITW include global welding, cutting, and insulation busi-  Your Complete, One Stop
            nesses.  He holds degrees from South Gujarat University, Au-  Welding Supply Center
            burn University, and Wright State University.  He also serves
            as a trustee on the American Welding Society Foundation.
                                                                        Six Locations to Serve You Better:
            Jennifer Monnin is General Manager of the North American   Dayton      Moraine       Richmond, IN
            Tubular Wire Division of Hobart Brothers Company.  She is a   324 E Second St   2865 Main St   5 East Main St
            graduate of Wright State University and has over 17 years of   937-222-8312   937-299-9293   765-966-9353
            welding industry experience in various managerial and leader-
            ship positions.                                          Piqua         Springfield   Fairfield
                                                                     8598 Industry Pk Dr   403 W Columbia Ave   3225 Profit Dr
                                                                     937-778-9353   937-323-6408   513-874-9353
            Both Jennifer and Naga are members of several organizations
            and are active in the communities in which they live.  They   Open 7:30 - 5:00  M-F & 8:00 - Noon Saturday
            bring  a  wealth  of  knowledge  and  experience  to  the  HIWT   Can’t Come In? Call in your order and we
            Board  of  Directors  and  will  be  instrumental  in  guiding  the   will ship it UPS!
            course of the Institute in the future.
                                                                              1-800-526-9353 or

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