Page 16 - HIWT Summer 2011 World of Welding
P. 16

THE WORLD OF WELDING                                                                


                                       By Anne Kutscher,       might not act professionally on the job.  While you are job
                                       SPHR                    hunting, tone down the individuality by using a standard ring
                                       Recruiter, Cianbro      tone.
                                                               When taking a recruiter’s call, be sure to answer the phone
                                                               professionally.    Do  not  answer  the  phone  if  you  are  in  an
                                       My  career  advisor  told  area where there will be a lot of background noise (crowded
                                       me  that  I  should  change  restaurant, shopping mall, daycare center, busy park, outdoors
                                       my  email  and  voicemail  with the wind blowing, to name a few).   Think back to what
                                       greeting to something more  “dear old mom” taught you when it comes to phone etiquette:
                                       professional.  Do recruiters  be sure to speak up and avoid mumbling and “marble mouth
                                       really care what my e-mail  syndrome.”    If  a  recruiter  cannot  hear  or  understand  what
                                       address is?             you are saying, they are no longer going to be interested in
                                                               speaking with you.  It is best to avoid answering the call when
            Finding employment in this day and age is not just a matter of  your phone is ringing while you are in the middle of a lot of
            having the right skills, knowledge and ability…it is a matter  distractions.  Let the recruiter leave a message and call them
            of  navigating  the  employment  process  and  impressing  the  back when there are fewer distractions.  Find a quiet room
            hiring  managers  with  your  professionalism.    Recruiters  are  with no television or the chatter of children or barking of dogs
            swamped with dozens, if not hundreds, of candidates for each  to distract from the conversation.
            opening they need to fill.  They can and will use the littlest
            reasons to disqualify an applicant to narrow down their pool  Most companies use one main number for all incoming phone
            of candidates.                                     calls.  Be sure to listen to the message the recruiter leaves and
                                                               call the recruiter back at the specific number they provide in the
            When completing any on-line application you are required to  voicemail.  Your call will likely be answered by a receptionist,
            input an e-mail address.  This address is seen by the recruiter  who will not know who placed the call.  Recruiters do want to
            long before they see your resume and work experience.  While  hear back from you, so they will leave contact information for
            an email address that refers to your favorite race car driver,  your return call.  Be sure to show the company that you know
            sports team or alcoholic beverage might seem funny to you and  how to follow directions from your first interaction with them.
            your friends, it looks unprofessional to potential employers
            who will question how you might behave on the job.  Keep  Stepping  up  your  game  by  making  a  few  of  these  changes
            your e-mail professional by using your name.  Try to avoid  will allow you to land that next job sooner than your peers.
            using your birth year or something that can be mistaken as  Recruiters are constantly looking for reasons to narrow their
            your birth year as a part of that e-mail address.  Employers are  pool of candidates.  Don’t let them discard you because you
            required not to discriminate against someone because of their  did not take Mom’s advice.
            age.  Avoiding hints of your age could keep the recruiter from
            rolling their eyes as they start reviewing your application.  You  Anne Kutscher, SPHR is a Recruiter at Cianbro, a heavy civil
            want the recruiter to be excited to pick up the phone to call   and  industrial  construction  company  with  offices  along  the
            you.                                               Eastern  Seaboard.    She  works  out  of  their  Southern  New
                                                               England  Regional  office  in  Bloomfield,  Connecticut  hiring
            These days, cell phones have all kinds of options that allow   individuals  to  work  on  any  number  of  projects  in  sixteen
                                                               states.  Cianbro is a tobacco-free, equal opportunity employer.
            you to customize the phone and showcase your personality.   Women, minorities and veterans are strongly encouraged to
            These include fun ring tones, or allowing your favorite song   apply.
            to play, when someone calls you.  Although it seems boring to
            have a standard ring tone for the caller to hear, when you are   You can reach Anne at 860-761-6267 or
            job hunting, what is considered to be boring and bland in some
            circles showcases professionalism in most others.  Companies
            want  their  employees  at  all  levels  to  act  in  a  professional
            manner.  Most occupations have individuals interfacing with   Students and graduates looking to submit a question should
            the customer or client at some point, so recruiters and hiring   contact Anne  directly  or  contact  Marty  Baker,  Editor  of  The
                                                               World of Welding, at
            managers keep a sharp eye out for warning signs that someone  or (937) 332-5603.

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