Page 18 - HIWT Summer 2011 World of Welding
P. 18
The Dayton Section of the American Welding Society held
their Annual Student Night dinner and meeting on March 8,
hosted by the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology (HIWT)
in Troy, Ohio. Over 120 students from various vocational
schools as well as from Hobart Institute, welding instructors,
parents, and AWS members were in attendance.
Rich Green, Development Director at HIWT, welcomed
the crowd and introduced them to the services offered by
the Institute. Janet Piechocki, Admissions Representative,
assisted Rich by conducting tours of the Institute. Hobart
Institute’s Richard Layman was presented a certificate for 25
years of membership in the American Welding Society.
Keynote speaker of the evening, Uwe Aschemeier, Sr.
Welding Engineer and a commercial diver with H.C. Nutting, Springfield Clark County JVS Welding Instructor Brian Massie (left)
a Terracon Company, fascinated the crowd with information and Tri-Star Career Compact Welding Instructor Todd Smith (center)
about the principles and applications of underwater welding converse with Rich Green, Development Director at Hobart Institute
including a presentation on the underwater repair of a cargo of Welding Technology during AWS Student Night dinner / meeting.
ship. The cargo ship had run into the break walls outside the
Panama Canal while carrying soy beans from New Orleans to
China. It had several holes in the hull – the largest hole being
36 ft. x 3 ft. Temporary underwater repairs were successful
and the ship was able to deliver it’s cargo to China and then go more about Uwe’s adventures from his article, “Underwater
to drydock for permanent repairs. Welder Training from an Engineer’s Prospective,” that
appeared in the Welding Journal, November 2008, pp. 74-77.
Uwe’s experience includes work in clear, potable water at city
water treatment plants, and in the murky waters of the Ohio Door prizes for the evening were provided by a variety of
and Mississippi Rivers, as well as in the ocean. You can learn vendors to the welding industry including Hobart Institute.