Page 3 - HIWT Winter 2011 World of Welding
P. 3                                       HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING TECHNOLOGY

            SucceSSful Team DynamicS

                                     By André A. Odermatt      responsibilities are shared. If it is felt that not all members
                                     President                 contribute as expected, a sociogram, charting the interpersonal
                                     Hobart Institute of       relationships in the group can help highlight the problem so
                                     Welding Technology        corrective action can be taken by the team leader.

                                                               Another important item is that the team agrees at the outset
                                     In a recent editorial  of  how decisions are made. A team can use three basic types of
                                     Industry Week (July 2011,  decision making depending on the nature of the decision.

                                     pg. 6) I read that GE at their
                                     facility  in Louisville, KY is  Mandate: If the decision involves specialized technological or
                                     implementing the Shingijutsu  other expertise that resides with a team member, the decision
                                     approach  for the design of a  should be mandated based on this knowledge.
                                     new production line.  It seems
                                     as if old ideas keep resurfacing  Ballot:  The  team  votes  and  the  majority  rules.    This  kind
            using a new name. The Lean Manufacturing firm Shingijutsu  of  decision  making  can  be  used  for  subjects  such  as  the
            Co. was founded by a former group manager at Toyota who  establishment of meeting times and places, agenda items etc.
            uses Kanban, Kaizen, Poka-Yoke and other continuous process  It should not be used for important items, because it tends to
            improvement  philosophies  and techniques.    An important  create a polarization in two groups, those who were for and
            element  in continuous improvement  efforts is teamwork.  those who were against! This is not conducive for teamwork!
            Many companies today are already team oriented and welders
            become part of production teams that practice the pursuit to  Consensus:  All important  decisions should be made by
            perfection, just as HIWT students are taught to forever strive  consensus. The team discusses the issue until all agree to a
            for the perfect weld. Since I have experience creating project  solution. Consensus  means agreement but not necessarily
            teams and working with teams, I am sharing with you some  complete  agreement.  It is an outcome  close  enough to be
            strategies that help to create and maintain successful teams.  acceptable. The greater  the intensity  of the team  effort, the
                                                               greater the result. Those who feel the solution might not be the
            There has to be a compelling  and unambiguously defined  best but can “live with it” must support the team’s decision with
            and agreed upon reason by all involved stakeholders in the  vigor and not talk behind the back of others “I was not really
            organization to start teamwork.  If the goal or objective for the  for it”. Gossip creates conflicts and can ultimately destroy the
            team is not clear at the outset, team effort is a waste of time  team. Unresolved conflicts can only exist if the team leader
            and money.                                         does not realize that there is a disagreement or wants to avoid
                                                               confrontation. Again, it is important that the team agrees at the
            It can be helpful and a motivating factor if the team gives itself  outset of a project to this mode of decision making.
            a name and perhaps creates a logo centered on the goal or
            objective. It could be the first test of a how a team can work  The  selection  of the  right  team  leader  is of paramount
            together. While organizational structures are typically vertical  importance. For this job, “people” skills play a more important
            (the pyramid hierarchy) business processes cross horizontally  role than “technical” skills. Communication and motivational
            through  an  organization  and  team  members  from  different  skills are essential for good leadership. The leader must have
            departments may have different “cultures”.         critical thinking skills, a sense of urgency and the ability to
                                                               control egos.
            The team should establish and agree on a set of metrics and
            measure itself within agreed upon timeframes or after defined  A  team  leader  can  play  a  dual  role,  “leading  and  doing”.
            milestones  or otherwise.  This  review  permits  the  team  to  Leadership can be appointed or shared. The team leader is a
            make sure it is on track and can take corrective  actions, if  facilitator and plays an important role in conflict resolution.
            needed. Today’s teams are often “self-directed” work teams.  He facilitates the transition from conflict to a solution. The
            An effective, goal-focused, result-oriented team should have  commitment of the team to its goal increases with the number
            no more than six to eight members. The important consensus  of conflicts resolved.
            decision-making process works better if the group is small.
            When meeting, teams work best at a round table, members  Vince  Lombardi  said,  “Individual  commitment  to  a  group
            facing each other.    This is conducive for best interaction  effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a
            between members.  Teams tend to perform best when  civilization work.”

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