Page 6 - HIWT Winter 2011 World of Welding
P. 6

THE WORLD OF WELDING                                                                

            ScOTT maZZulla JOinS HOBaRT inSTiTuTe

                                        Scott  A. Mazzulla  joined  Formerly the Director of Sales – Western and Central U.S.
                                        Hobart Institute in August  Regions for the Robotics Division of ABB, Inc., Scott de-
                                        as Director of Planning  veloped  and  implemented  territorial  business plans  and
                                        and Development.  Scott  managed  sales  and growth of  ABB robotics  products.
                                        is responsible for direct-  Originally  from  Tucson,  Arizona, he was initially  em-
                                        ing and coordinating  ac-  ployed in pipe welding construction  and later  as a fab-
                                        tivities  related  to market-  ricator/welder  before  beginning  his work with robotics.
                                        ing and sales of HIWT
                                        products and services,  He brings 23 years of experience in the welding industry with
                                        establishing  long-range  process, management, commercial and strategic expertise.  He
                                        strategic  and  annual  busi-  is a graduate of the Combination Structural and Pipe Welding
                                        ness plans and for product  Program at Hobart Institute.
                                        and business development.
                                                               “I have always been engaged in welding,” says Scott.  “The
                                        “We   are  pleased  to  training at Hobart has served me very well and has been a
                                        welcome  Scott to our  fantastic foundation.  I look forward to the opportunities that
                                        team,”  says  André Oder-  this new position provides and the opportunity to work with
            matt,  President and Chairman  of the Board of Hobart In-  the staff and management of Hobart Institute.”
            stitute.   “Scott  will  be a prime example  for our students
            that a graduate  from HIWT can become  very success-  Scott resides with his family in Troy.
            ful in life, if he is willing to embark on continuous learn-
            ing and hard work and he does not need to regret, not hav-
            ing attended  a University Institution  for higher education.”
            A Hobart 1_2 page ad.qxd:ITW Companies  9/9/09  8:58 AM  Page 1

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                                      Our brands meet your needs.

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                                                 for the job.                    build-up or overlay welds.
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