Page 9 - HIWT Winter 2011 World of Welding
THROuGH THe eyeS Of a STuDenT
By Biazzio Giordano Jr. see welding filler metals being produced and watched huge
Welding Instructor spools of cored wire in production as well as millions of
Career and Technology SMAW filler metal electrodes being manufactured. Naturally
Education it was very hot in the plant, but there was lots of ventilation,
Parkside High School, and fluids available for all the employees, and the guests.
Salisbury, MD. We also had an opportunity to see the “Stage” where all
the Hobart training videos are produced and were given
the opportunity to review all of the materials available to
This past summer I had the the classroom teacher and to actually visit the classrooms
opportunity to attend the HIWT where the lesson was taking place. The training materials
Welding Instructor Course at are excellent and the class size is kept small so that all the
their facility in Troy Ohio. As students receive a lot of one-on-one with the instructors. It
a teacher in the public school appeared that each instructor was responsible for about ten
system, I have been required to students and they had floating instructors in the entry level
become a student to take any area to help those students who had never had any training
number of academic classes, but over the years found that I before to help them get started.
needed to stay current on my welding training as well.
Back in the classroom, the Instructor Course covered all
HIWT met and exceeded what I was hoping to accomplish. the major welding processes and included metallurgy, filler
Having never attended their training facility I did not know metals, and safety as well as role-playing by the instructors
what to expect, but my first impression from the curb was that and students. Everyone had input on the situation and how
this was a first class trade school! Hobart is not operated out they would handle it in their shop. Since we all had different
of a warehouse but out of a building that was modern in its backgrounds, the various approaches could be adapted to
design and purpose. First impressions are the most important many situations.
and my first encounter was with the staff. All were helpful (Continued on page 11 )
and professional, but the real lessons would start soon and I
was anxious to see the staff in their
The first class was on safety, and we
all know how boring this subject can
be, but the staff had excellent Good Used Welders
presentations and kept the students
engaged. One thing we learned is that
no matter how dry or repetitive it may
seem, SAFETY is a key component
to a productive employee and a
successful student. This observation
turned into fact when we saw the
actual welding area that the students IndIAnApOLIs • sInCE 1918
were using. Even though it was the
hottest day of the year, all students Miller • Lincoln • Hypertherm
were dressed professionally; safety Stick • TIG • MIG • Plasma • Engine Drives
glasses in place, and well-constructed
leather shoes were being used by the
students. See our complete list at:
We had the opportunity to tour the
Hobart Brothers Company facility to OR CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-686-4674