Page 8 - HIWT Spring 2012 World of Welding
P. 8

THE WORLD OF WELDING                                                                


            These are a few of the historic facts about the angel on the   In the statue's right hand (viewer's left) is a wreath of immor-
            cover of this issue.  The original angel was an 1878 bronze/  talis or dried flowers to symbolize long life. In her other hand
            plaster sculpture by Randolph Rogers.              is a wreath of mountain laurel, the state flower.
            On display in the north lobby of the Capitol Building n Con-  On her head she wears white oak leaves for strength from the
            necticut is the original plaster model used in the casting of the  state tree of Connecticut.
            bronze Genius.
                                                               The statue's outstretched wings are to protect the people of
            Randolph Rogers, who was also the artist who designed the  Connecticut.
            bronze "Columbus Doors" on the nation's Capitol, called the
            piece "The Angel of Resurrection".                 The Genius has "Roman Toes"; her second toe is longer than
                                                               the big toe. Some people believe that women with such toes
            The use of the word "genius" connotes that she is a protector  will be placed in positions of power or importance.
            figure or a symbol of the spirit of the people of Connecticut.
                                                               The Roman numerals on the marble base are for 1878 (when
            The model was made in Rome and the 3.5 ton, 17 feet 10 inch-  the bronze statue was placed on the dome) and 1987 (when the
            es tall figure was cast in Munich, Germany.        model was given a new base).

            The statue stood atop the Capitol dome from 1878 until 1938.  The plaster model was restored in the 1980s. At that time a
                                                               special internal support system was designed for her wings and
            In 1938 a great hurricane hit the eastern coast of the country.   arms and she was painted bronze.

            The Genius was damaged and people feared that she would  In 2009, five years after a decision was made to recast a new
            fall from the dome. After a long debate, the statue was re-  bronze statue to replicate the original, the sculpture was placed
            moved and placed in the basement. In 1942, the original piece  in the Capitol rotunda.
            was donated to the federal government  and  melted  down  as
            part  of  the  war  effort  to make
            ammunition and machine parts. The original plaster cast was   Compliments of:

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