Page 15 - HIWT Winter 2013 World of Welding
P. 15                                       HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING TECHNOLOGY


            (Continued from page 14)

            opportunity to meet with several veterans who
            are  current  students,  thanking  them  for  their

            As  a  decorated  veteran,  Interim  Director
            Dominguez easily relates to his fellow veterans.
            In 2005, Jason deployed to Al-Anbar Province,
            Iraq  with  Lima  Company,  3rd  Battalion,  25th
            Marines. While part of Lima Company, he led
            his Marines through 12 major combat operations
            and  73 combat and  security  patrols.  During
            the  deployment,  22  Marines  and  one  Navy
            Corpsman made the ultimate sacrifice while 59
            were awarded the Purple Heart.

            After returning home from Iraq, Jason served as
            a Foreign Affairs and Military Legislative Aid
            for Congressman Patrick Tiberi in Washington,
            DC. While working on Capitol Hill, he served            Jason Dominguez and André Odermatt
            on the founding board of the Congressional Military Service
            Members  and  Veterans Association  in  the  U.S.  House  of
            Representatives.  Prior  to  joining  the  Ohio  Department  of   Show your
            Veterans  Services,  Jason  worked  in  Congressman  Tiberi’s   Student ID for
            district office as a Military and Veterans Affairs Case Worker.   10% Discount!

            The Dept. of Veterans Services provides a number of veterans’
            benefits and resources to veterans who have served honorably   Celebrating 94 Years In the Miami Valley
            and have earned benefits.  One of those services is assistance
            with  education.    Since  1950,  Hobart  Institute  has  been
            approved to accept students attending under the G.I. Bill.    Your Complete, One Stop
                                                                       Welding Supply Center
            “When we started a new initiative to approach veterans in late
            2011, based on a Dayton Daily News article indicating that   Five Locations to Serve you Better:
            ‘Ohio’s nearly 15 percent jobless rate for post 9/11 vets among
            the  highest,”  said André  Odermatt,  “we  started  to  climb  a
            steep, long, learning curve as to what veterans’ organizations   Moraine   Richmond, IN   Fairfield
                                                                                  5 East Main St.
                                                                                                  3225 Profit Dr.
                                                                    Sandridge Dr.
            would  provide  the  most  effective  way  of  communicating   937-222-8312  765-966-9353  513-874-9353
            with  veterans.  To  have  contact  with  state-level  officials  is
            very helpful for HIWT and ODVS to accomplish the goal of   Piqua               Springfield
            helping veterans transfer to a new career. This contact will   8598 Industry Pk. Dr.   403 W. Columbia Ave.
            help  HIWT  to  reach  as  many  veterans  as  possible,  faster,   937-778-9353  937-323-6408
            through the various veterans’ organizations, as ODVS is able
            to provide information and open doors.”
                                                                   Open 7:30-5:00 M-F & 8:00 - Noon Saturday
            The  Combination  Structural  and  Pipe  Welding  Program  or        Can’t Come In:
            the Structural Welding Program, as well as other options are   Call in your order and we will ship it UPS!
            available to veterans who attend Hobart Institute of Welding
            Technology. Call 1-800-332-9448 for details or send e-mail to   1-800-526-9353 or

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