Page 13 - HIWT Winter 2013 World of Welding
By Kevin Trick, Admissions Representative
Hobart Institute of Welding Technology
If a stranger would have approached me six years ago and
told me I’d be writing this article one day, working for one
of the largest welding schools in the country, I would have
told him he’s crazy. Almost six years ago I decided to attend
the Hobart Institute of Welding Technology and enroll in their
9-month combination welding program. Little did I know that
very moment would eventually lead me to writing this article.
It seems like the last ten to fifteen years hasn’t been, “Are you
going to college?” Instead it’s been, “What college are you
going to?” That way of thinking is what pressured me into
attending a traditional college. After changing my major a few
times and getting nowhere toward a degree, I terminated my
efforts in earning a degree. At that time, I realized my friend,
Stephen Landis, had recently graduated from HIWT and was
making EXCELLENT money. I had always been a “hands
on” learner and decided to try to learn welding. I had never your high school welding instructor if I can come in and talk to
welded in my life but decided to take a free tour at HIWT your class. Worst case scenario, you are out some gas money
and was apprehensive about enrolling, knowing I had never and a few hours of your time. Best case scenario, you may be
welded. The kind staff at HIWT assured me they help with all writing the next article in this magazine.
experience levels and that I could be successful as long as I
gave 110%. They were right. When choosing a career, you have to choose what is best for
you! Don’t let others persuade you into doing what they are
I’ve learned many things during my 27 years on this planet, doing just for the sake of doing it. The best way to learn in
but the biggest thing I have learned is that you do not need life is to learn from other people’s mistakes. If I can ever be
to have a 2 or 4-year college degree to be successful. Being of any help to you in choosing a career or education, please
pressured into college because that’s what “everyone else” is don’t hesitate to call me at 937-332-5214 or email me at kevin.
doing is very unrewarding, I’ve been there. If you are a high
school student and any of
this rings a bell with you as
you make your decision as to
what you want your career to
be, I urge you to come tour
Hobart. Very possibly, I’ll be
the person who gives you the
Choosing a career path is
a huge decision to make;
choosing the school to chase
that career is even more
important! Come on in for a
tour at HIWT. What do you
have to lose? I promise you
have much more to gain than
to lose. If you want to talk in
person, feel free to call me at
937-332-5214, or even ask