Page 17 - HIWT Winter 2013 World of Welding
P. 17                                       HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING TECHNOLOGY


            After his successful completion of the nine-month Structural
            and  Pipe  Welding  Program  at  Hobart  Institute  of  Welding
            Technology (HIWT) in June 2008, Kevin Trick worked in the
            industry to obtain a few years of experience before becoming
            a  Marketing  and  Career  Development  Representative  for
            Hobart Institute of Welding Technology in 2012.  This past
            summer, as part of his continuing education, Kevin enrolled
            in the Preparation for the American Welding Society Certified
            Welding  Inspector/Educator  Preparation  Course at  Hobart
            Institute and obtained his certification as a CWI®.

            On a daily basis, Kevin works to assist high school students,
            veterans  and  transitioning  adults  in  their  decision-making
            process to pursue a career in welding.  Kevin is available to
            administer tours for individuals and groups at HIWT and to
            give  presentations  about  HIWT  at  high  schools,  vocational  “This most recent training enhances Kevin’s knowledge

            career centers and to groups of recently discharged veterans.  and helps him to better understand and communicate  with

            He also assists with career placement of graduating students.  prospective  students  from  all  walks  of  life,”  said  Scott
            Kevin’s territory includes Ohio and states beyond that are  Mazzulla, Vice President of Planning and Development.
            located west of Interstate 75.  Welding instructors located west
            of I-75 are encouraged to give Kevin a call to set up a visit to  Kevin may be contacted at or by
            their high school or vocational center.            calling (800) 332-9448, ext. 5214 or  (937) 332-5214.

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