Page 21 - HIWT Winter 2013 World of Welding
P. 21                                       HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING TECHNOLOGY

            HONOR OF ANDRé A. ODERmATT

            The  Hobart  Institute  of  Welding  Technology  (HIWT)  is  Institute, André  authored  the  book,  Welding:  A Journey to
            pleased to announce two new scholarships for students who  Explore Its Past.  He directed the 2005 expansion of Hobart
            attend  the  Hobart  Institute.  The  scholarships,  in  honor  of  Institute, established the Hobart Gallery of Welding History
            Hobart Institute President André A. Odermatt, are sponsored  in  2010  and  is  currently  providing  oversight  for  the  2013
            by HIWT in the amount of $5000 each and will be awarded for  construction project that will add 52 welding booths to the
            the first time in May 2014.                        facility when completed.

            The Hobart Institute of Welding Technology is committed to  These scholarships will be added to other HIWT sponsored
            helping individuals develop marketable welding skills through  awards  issued  each  year  in  memory  of  Howard  B.  Cary,
            quality training at minimum cost. HIWT is also committed  Raymond C. Dunlavy, and Robert Bercaw who all dedicated
            to making industry more competitive by conducting training  their careers to excellence in welding education. Additional
            to solve welding related  problems.  The Institute  strives to  scholarships available to HIWT students issued through The
            develop new and better welding training methods and training  Troy  Foundation  include  the  Peter  C.  Hobart  Scholarships,
            materials, and to make welding training available to all.  the William B. and Marcia H. Howell Scholarship, the David
                                                               and Madonna Via Memorial Scholarship, the Hobart Brothers
            For  over  ten  years,  André  has  led  the  Hobart  Institute  as  Company Scholarships, and the HIWT Alumni Scholarship.
            President and Chairman of the Board.  He has a long history
            with welding, working with Oerlikon Welding Industries and  Interested  students  are  directed  to  apply  through  the
            Hobart Brothers Company, where he began in 1964 until his  Hobart Institute  website  at
            retirement from there in 2001.  In addition to his work with the  scholarships.aspx

            INDUSTRIAL ART
            (Continued from page 20)                                                New!
                                                                Brand new DVD and instructor guide  to
            The  structural  steel  art pieces  displayed  at the  Industrial   complete the teaching packet for Pipe Layout
            Revolution  Eatery  &  Grille  were  designed  and  fabricated   for Pipefitters and Welders.
            by Synergy Steel Structures.  Miniature sets of the sculpture
            including the steel beam may be purchased at  The Steeple

            “By  reminding  patrons  of  the  achievements  of  famous
            American figures, and introducing them to equally important
            but lesser known heroes, we encourage people to take risks of   PIPE LAYOUT FOR
            their own,” says Mike.  “We want Industrial Revolution Eatery   PIPEFITTERS AND WELDERS
            & Grille to satisfy your hunger for a quality meal, entertain   instructor guide
            you, and ultimately inspire you to strive for the opportunities   1 7/8”            The complete curric-
            this life has to offer.”                                     9 3/4”  4 1/2”         ulum includes DVDs
                                                                          1/16”                 and  an instructor
                                                                                6 7/8”
            The Steeple Gallery is continually searching for new artists                        guide (including in-
            appreciates being able to represent metal artists.  Interested                      structor  materials,  1
                                                                                                learning packet, writ-
            artists  and collectors  may  contact  Sam  at  samowner@                 TRAVEL    ten tests, and answer
                                                                  SET   keys for tests.)
                                                                                                Retail price: $1195.00.
                                                                  © 2013, HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING TECHNOLOGY
            The Industrial Revolution Eatery, Valparaiso, Indiana.  http://  Place your order today!
            Synergy Steel Structures, Lansing, Illinois.  www.    1-800-332-9448 ext. 5433
            The Steeple Gallery, Ltd., St. John, Indiana. http://www.  Fax: 937-332-5220

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