Page 5 - HIWT Winter 2013 World of Welding
P. 5                                       HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING TECHNOLOGY


            (Continued from page 3)

                 Fig. 3. Shaw and Abrams
             Arc Welding Simulator Trainer
                 Patent Number 3,867,769

            CA, developed its first “computerized” arc welding simulator
            during the early 1970’s. Harvey B. Shaw and Macy L. Abrams,
            both  of  San  Diego,  in  1973  applied  for  and  were  granted
            patent  number  3,867,769  for  their  Arc  Welding  Simulator
            Trainer (See Fig 3) on February 25, 1975.  A report was issued
            in October 1974 titled “Acquisition of a Psychomotor Skill
            Using Simulated-Task, Augmented Feedback,” (Evaluation of
            a Welding Training Simulator).

            In 2008, based on a National Shipbuilding Research Program
            (NSRP) Technology Investment Agreement, a virtual welding
            training  system was to  be developed  under  the  leadership
            of Bender Shipbuilding and Repair. It was continued by the
            Electric Boat Corporation in 2010, after Bender experienced
            financial  difficulties.  A  50-page  final  report  was  issued  on
            February  29,  2012.  Fig.  4  shows  the  complete  system  as
            described in this report. The last paragraph of the conclusions
            reads as follows:
            “A usable low-cost virtual welding system has been created
            for  use  in  welding  training.  The  current  prototype  version
            represents a baseline for functionality and design, serving as a
            proof of concept. It is expected that the current design will be
            further developed and enhanced into a marketable commercial
            product. We believe that if a low-cost virtual welder product
            were  available  that  it  would  find  an  eager  market  among
            equipment  manufacturers,  trade  schools,  and  technical
            colleges, in addition to the initial focus of shipyards and the
            shipbuilding community.”

                             (Continued on page 6)

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