Page 12 - Fall 2014 World of Welding
P. 12

THE WORLD OF WELDING                                                                

            COVER STORY

            By Kevin Trick
            Hobart Institute of
            Welding Technology

            On  April  28,  2014,
            I  visited  students  at
            Mecosta  Osceola  Career
            Center  (MOCC)  in  Big
            Rapids, Michigan as they
            were  putting  the  final
            touches on making  3D
            steel deer mounts. (See
            cover  of  this  issue.) The
            creation, fabrication, and
            sale  of the  deer  mounts   Kelly Cushway’s welding class at Mecosta Osceola Career Center, Big Rapids, MI created the mounted deer.
            is  an  attempt  to  raise
            funds for their  welding
            program. Kelly Cushway,
            the  welding  instructor at
            MOCC,  and  Mike  Schmidt,  the  para-
            educator  for  Kelly  Cushway’s  classes,
            have  always  instilled  the  importance  of
            fabrication and  welding  projects to their                                     Our international
            students.                                                                         qualify you to
                                                                                             work worldwide
            Mike Schmidt says, “Each year, I fabricate                                       and year-round.
            gifts for friends and family for Christmas.                                        Offshore diving
            Usually,  our  students  like  to  piggy  back                                 opportunities include the
            onto my ideas for the annual fundraiser.”                                       inspection, installation,
                                                                                            and repair of offshore
            HIWT  President  Scott  Mazzulla  was so                                         oil drilling platforms
                                                                                               and pipelines.
            impressed with the 3D steel deer mounts
                                                                                             Inland opportunities
            that he decided to authorize the purchase                                       include construction,
            of one for the art collection at the Institute.                                 repair and inspection
            Employees in HIWT’s job assistance                                             of bridges, water towers,
            center  then  decided  to make  the  deer                                     nuclear power facilities and
            mount their “mascot”.  The job assistance                                     countless other infrastructure.
            team held a contest to “name the mascot.”                                       Our graduates are
            The name that was selected was “Willie                                           in high demand.
            Weldmore”  which  was  submitted  by                                          All training is conducted
            an anonymous entrant. HIWT career                                                 in open water.
            development  coordinators  are  excited  to                                        Financial aid
            see future projects created by the welding                                     for those who qualify.
            students  at  MOCC  and  other  career                                         Use your VA benefits
            centers.                                                                             with us.

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