Page 8 - Fall 2014 World of Welding
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The largest, most respected green energy design-builder in metals and mining, pulp and paper, rubber, solar, water
the United States is interested in Hobart Institute students. treatment and wind turbines, automotive manufacturing,
Fagen, Inc. has hired the following HIWT graduates: Terrance chemical and Ethanol.
Morgan Wethington, Steven Sinka, Evan Steffens, Clinton
Prevallet, Kyle Somerlot, Chase Jimmerson, Timothy Moad, Ron Fagen, the Chairman of the Board, has been involved
Luke Buening, Kevin Dougherty, Ashton Bicak, Bryce in industrial construction since 1974. Since that time, he has
Remley, Brian Dodson, John Moad, and Cody Tarsa. And they continually instilled the importance of safety, quality, and
would like to see more applications. The company prides itself customer satisfaction throughout the entire framework of
on excellence in every phase of a project from conception to Fagen, Inc. The result has been a successful company that
operation. provides the best in design-build services and customer
Fagen, Inc. is a heavy industrial contractor who specializes
in every aspect of civil, structural, siding, insulation, rigging, Welders that Fagen hires must be able to perform to ASME
millwright, pipe, electrical and instrumentation construction. codes and produce x-ray quality welds. This requirement has
Their project managers coordinate all of the various crafts to led Fagen to certification services that are offered by Hobart
bring each project to completion safely, on time and within Institute. The staff at Hobart works closely with the company
budget. In addition, the company self-performs in all of the to assure that all procedure and performance qualifications
major craft disciplines, subcontracting only where it makes meet the requirements of the codes.
sense to do so. Fagan works with a large variety of industries, Fagen, Inc. also operates an in-house pipe and assembly
including power, natural gas, food processing, grain and seed, fabrication shop. Welders work with carbon steel, nickel
alloys, stainless steel, titanium, and multiple grades of chrome
alloys in a combination of welding
processes. The Fagen Fabrication
Shop has a reputation for delivering
high quality products in a timely
Good Used Welders fashion. The quality of the products
is dependent on a stringent codes and
an inspection department staffed with
certified welding inspectors. Hobart
Institute plays a part in this area as
well by offering the Preparation for
American Welding Society’s Certified
Welding Inspector Examination
IndIAnApOLIs • sInCE 1918 Course.
Fagen, Inc. is committed to safety and
Miller • Lincoln • Hypertherm has received numerous safety awards.
Stick • TIG • MIG • Plasma • Engine Drives The company views their employees
as their most valuable resource with
See our complete list at: a goal to provide an accident/injury free environment. With a commitment
from management, supervision and
field employees, they work as a team
OR CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-686-4674 to achieve that safety goal.