Page 23 - Summer 2014 World of Welding
By Joanna Cohen supervisor take notice but so will the employees
Recruiter you come in contact with. Your can-do attitude
CIANBRO and interest in the role will speak volumes. Upon
completion, thank the employer, add this experience
to your resume and provide an updated copy to them
As a recruiter for the Cianbro for any upcoming job openings. Then, follow-up
Corporation, I look at resumes periodically.
every day. I review objective
statements, look at work history • Side jobs and volunteer work. These jobs matter
and take notice of education. even if you didn’t get paid or they were done in your
Some resumes are well spare time. Remember, you are using your skills and
organized with clear direction completing a job whether it is official or not. Be sure
and motivation while others are to document what the job was, when you did it and
disorganized and lack crucial who you did it for. You can add these to your resume
details. Having that said, the one area that can keep a set of and also get some valuable references.
eyes looking at your resume is what you have done with your
time in the form of skills and experience. • Social media, networking events, clubs, sporting
events and family functions. We are now flooded
Coming from the academia environment previously and with social media connections, and as a result, simple
working with recent graduates with little to no experience, conversations have gone to the way side. Everything
this can pose a serious problem and bring down job-seeking is done through text or email and that won’t necessarily
confidence. Then add a recovering economy to the equation, get you the job. So regardless of the event, speak up
and you may find yourself with a dim outlook. While this is when the opportunity presents itself and share your
what many of us face, there really are steps you can take now employment goals. Speak confidently about what you
to better market yourself. Consider the following: are looking for and express energy and excitement
towards the goal. No one will want to refer a mopey,
• School assignments and projects. As tedious or Debbie-Downer with no confidence, enthusiasm or
uninteresting as you may find these assignments, work-life zest. It is their name on the line if they
have faith in your instructor and seek out the refer you, so remember you need them to believe
reason why you are being asked to complete it. in you first. Also, be sure your social media profile
Most often you will discover that it is an essential supports your efforts. Many employers do check and
skill or exercise to highlight your competencies you want to leave a good impression with who they
of that particular skillset. So don’t procrastinate, are considering. And, don’t forget your voicemail
plan accordingly, focus and give it your best shot. message. If you don’t answer your phone and all they
Document or photograph your results and collect hear is your voice on a machine, be sure your message
them. These could be very valuable inserts to a once is appropriate (and this includes ring back dial tones/
empty resume. songs!). This can create a negative first impression,
and you have not even met the recruiter yet.
• Internships, externships, job shadowing and plant
tours. Whether you are required to fulfill a certain • Training. Learning new skill sets, improving current
number of hours to complete your educational skills or modifying techniques are all great ways to
program or not, or if this is a change of career, or if increase your marketability. We have seen many times
you are chronically unemployed, you must seriously potential candidates perform poorly on weld tests due
consider this valuable opportunity. This is an ideal to gaps of time where no welding was performed and
way for you to “test drive” a potential employer as the skills get rusty. Look to your local institutions/
well as the exact opposite of the employer test driving training facilities and check for class offerings. Stay
you. Treat your time there as a job interview. Be in touch with your own school and inquire about
early every day, dress appropriately, ask questions, coming back in to practice. Make time to get in the
pay attention, take responsibility when you can, be garage to keep those skills sharp.
proactive and do your very best. Not only will the
(Continued on bottom of page 24)