Page 25 - Summer 2014 World of Welding
By Janet Piechocki
HIWT Admissions Representative
Possibly the first time ever, a husband and wife were
named Teachers of the Year in the same year in separate
counties in West Virginia. Bobby Collins is the welding
instructor at McDowell County Career and Technical
Center in Welch, WV. He was also named West Virginia
Teacher of the Year for the Association for Career and
Technical Educators representing Trade and Industry.
Lisa Collins is Wyoming County’s Teacher of the Year.
Lisa teaches technology at Baileysville Elementary and
Middle School and is currently earning an educational
leadership degree with the intention of becoming a
Bobby began teaching in 2007 after 20 years in industry.
“My wife encouraged me to enter education because I
enjoyed teaching others about the industry,” said Bobby. L to R: James Phares, State Supt. of Schools, Bobby Collins, Lisa Collins,
“What better way than to train young men and women Gayle Manchin, State Board of Education President
going into the welding profession.”
The welding program at McDowell County CTC had been dormant for eight years when Bobby took the position. He also
encourages his students to participate in the SkillsUSA events and to apply for scholarships to advance their careers.
“Being nominated by my school for Teacher of
the Year was very satisfying,” said Bobby. “To
be acknowledged by my co-workers for my
achievements was a blessing. Moving forward and
being named McDowell County’s Teacher of the
Year was at the top of my professional career!”
“Being able to watch my students grow from
the first day to the last day they leave my class
makes me proud,” Bobby stated. “I have seen
them develop their skills and become successful
professionally after they graduate. I feel that I
have been a big factor in their success, and the
skills that I have taught them set them apart from
others in the welding industry.”
Bobby and Lisa reside in Rockhouse, WV, where
Bobby has developed his own barbeque sauce
Bobby Collins’ welding class brand, Tarbilly’s, that he has bottled, labeled and
McDowell Career Technology Center, Welch, WV marketed. Bobby enjoys firing up the barbeque
and hopes some day to own his own restaurant.
For more information, see www.facebook. com/