Page 24 - Summer 2014 World of Welding
P. 24

THE WORLD OF WELDING                                                                


            The Hobart Institute recognizes excellence in performance of  Five Months of Perfect Attendance
            people who go above and beyond the requirements or levels of
            desirability to exceed normal expectations.  Those who have  Perfect attendance in the  Structural Welding Program  this
            met these goals in this past quarter are listed.    quarter was earned by Erik Rab of Dayton, OH, Deliverance
                                                               Kochanowski of Junction City, WI.

            Hobart Institute provides two levels of academic achievement.
            This recognition is based on the grade point average of students
            in the five or nine-month programs at HIWT.  Candidates for
            this award must reach a GPA of 3.5 to 3.79 to receive high
            honors and 3.8 to 4.0 to receive the highest honors.

            High honors graduates include Deliverance Kochanowski of
            Junction City, WI; Anthony Lander of Lucinda, PA; Blythe
            Wurster of Ridgecrest, CA.


            Students may achieve perfect attendence status by attending
            Hobart Institute in the five month Structural Welding Program
            or the nine-month Combination Structural and Pipe Welding
            Program  without  missing  even one  day of  class.    Hobart  RECENT SCHOLARSHIPS PRESENTED
            Institute  congratulates  these  students  who have  made  this
            extra effort.  Future employers take notice of this achievement  It  is important  to  recognize  each  student  along  with  the
            and students are encouraged to strive for this goal.  organizations or individuals who are providing these scholar-
            Nine Months of Perfect Attendance
                                                               Ryan Faulkner  of Flemingsburg, KY was awarded  the
            Perfect attendance  in the  Combination Structural and Pipe  Fleming County FFA Alumni Scholarship.
            Welding Program this quarter was earned by Paul Bedel of
            Muncie,  IN,  Nathan Bourgeois of Brentwood,  TN,  Drew  Hobart Institute congratulates all these students and encourages
            Decker of  Tipp  City, OH,  Christopher Eisbrenner  of  future students to seek  scholarships  in  their  home areas as
            Watervliet, MI, Kevin Holly of Troy, OH, Jerome Parham  well as to apply for national scholarships.  Many community
            of Phenix City, AL; Michael Platt of Columbus, OH; Blase  foundations and local  chapters offer scholarships as well as the
            Porretti of Hatfield, PA; Scott Purvis of Beavercreek, OH;  foundations of various companies and commercial businesses.
            Blythe Wurster of Ridgecrest, CA.                  Many of these scholarships are available to students seeking
                                                               welding education.  Additional scholarship information may
                                                               be found on the HIWT website at

            MAKE THE MOST                                      In summary, keep your eyes on the goal and make the most
                                                               of  every  opportunity  that  comes  your  way.    You  have  an
            (Continued from page 23)                           important, unique skill set that is needed in many industries.
               •   Lastly, if you are faced with an upcoming weld test /  Pay attention to trends and explore ways to get involved.
                   interview, don’t hesitate to ask what the test consists  Most importantly, believe in yourself, your skills and welcome
                   of.  If they can share the details, you can now focus  opportunities as you never know where they may lead.
                   your practice on exactly what you will be measured   Joanna  Cohen  is a Recruiter  at CIANBRO, a heavy  civil  and  industrial
                   on.  Keep all of these trainings documented  so to   construction company with offices along the Eastern Seaboard.  She works out
                   the eyes of the hiring manager / recruiter, it will be   of their Southern New England Regional office in Bloomfield, Connecticut hiring
                   obvious that you are someone worth interviewing.  individuals to work on any number of projects in sixteen states.  You can reach
                                                               her at

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