Page 12 - Spring World of Welding - HIWT
P. 12

TW: What is your best piece of advice for young
                                                                 TW: What is your best piece of advice for young
                                                                 TW: What is your best piece of advice for young
                                                                   Trankler: Just stay focused and don’t get side-
                                                                 Trankler: Just stay focused and don’t get side-
                                                                 Trankler: Just stay focused and don’t get side-
                                                                 tracked. If you have a goal in mind, go after it. You
                                                                   tracked. If you have a goal in mind, go after it. You
                                                                 tracked. If you have a goal in mind, go after it. You
                                                                 might have to take a few different paths, but that’s
                                                                   might have to take a few different paths, but that’s
                                                                 might have to take a few different paths, but that’s
                                                                   all right.
                                                                 all right.
                                                                 all right.
                                                                    Make sure to have the right outlook on your job
                                                                     Make sure to have the right outlook on your job
                                                                   Make sure to have the right outlook on your job
                                                                 and focus on your soft skills. Give your employers
                                                                   and focus on your soft skills. Give your employers
                                                                 and focus on your soft skills. Give your employers
                                                                 your best because you’ll get more out of the experi-
                                                                 your best because you’ll get more out of the experi-
                                                                   your best because you’ll get more out of the experi-
                                                                 ence. Be a sponge. When you’re around someone
                                                                   ence. Be a sponge. When you’re around someone
                                                                 ence. Be a sponge. When you’re around someone
                                                                 who is a senior welder, absorb everything that
                                                                   who is a senior welder, absorb everything that
                                                                 who is a senior welder, absorb everything that
                                                                   they’re doing, ask questions, and don’t be scared
                                                                 they’re doing, ask questions, and don’t be scared
      Trankler’s goal is to model good servant leadership and equip   they’re doing, ask questions, and don’t be scared
  Trankler’s goal is to model good servant leadership and equip   to learn.
   Trankler’s goal is to model good servant leadership and equip
      students with the skills to go out and make a good living.
                                                                   to learn.
   students with the skills to go out and make a good living.
  students with the skills to go out and make a good living.     to learn.
                                                                   You’re not going to know everything in your first
                                                                     You’re not going to know everything in your first
                                                                    You’re not going to know everything in your first
                 going to sell our products on a website that we just   year. And if you’re doing it right, you won’t know
                                                                   year. And if you’re doing it right, you won’t know
               going to sell our products on a website that we just
                                                                 year. And if you’re doing it right, you won’t know
              going to sell our products on a website that we just   everything in your 50th year. Learn, adapt, and give
                 designed. This is all brand new to me. The 5 x 10 will
                                                                   everything in your 50th year. Learn, adapt, and give
               designed. This is all brand new to me. The 5 x 10 will
                                                                 everything in your 50th year. Learn, adapt, and give
              designed. This is all brand new to me. The 5 x 10 will   them your best. You expect them to give you their
                 let us make bigger products and it will give us a little
                                                                 them your best. You expect them to give you their
                                                                   them your best. You expect them to give you their
              let us make bigger products and it will give us a little   best, so you have to do it in return.
               let us make bigger products and it will give us a little
                 more flexibility.
                                                                   best, so you have to do it in return.
              more flexibility.                                  best, so you have to do it in return.   THE  THE
               more flexibility.
                    I also want to add some attachments to our Pira-
                 I also want to add some attachments to our Pira-  Editor Amanda Carlson can be reached at
                  I also want to add some attachments to our Pira-
                 nha ironworker and a new saw. There’s nothing wrong
               nha ironworker and a new saw. There’s nothing wrong
              nha ironworker and a new saw. There’s nothing wrong
                                                                   Editor Amanda Carlson can be reached at
                 with the saw that we have, but I’d like something
                                                                 Editor Amanda Carlson can be reached at
               with the saw that we have, but I’d like something
              with the saw that we have, but I’d like something
                 that has a little more functionality to it. I’ve got some
                 pulse welding equipment already, but I might add
               that has a little more functionality to it. I’ve got some
              that has a little more functionality to it. I’ve got some   Sikeston Career and Technology Center,
                                                                   Sikeston Career and Technology Center,
                 more. And then I want a shelf to store my flat stock.
              pulse welding equipment already, but I might add   Sikeston Career and Technology Center,
               pulse welding equipment already, but I might add
               more. And then I want a shelf to store my flat stock.
              more. And then I want a shelf to store my flat stock.
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