Page 11 - Spring World of Welding - HIWT
P. 11

Q & A        Q & A
                                                                  YOU’RE NOT GOING TO KNOW

                                                                  EVERYTHING IN YOUR FIRST YEAR.

                                                                  AND IF YOU’RE DOING IT RIGHT,

                                                                  YOU WON’T KNOW EVERYTHING
                                                              YOU’RE NOT GOING TO KNOW
                                                              EVERYTHING IN YOUR FIRST YEAR.
                                                                  IN YOUR 50TH YEAR. LEARN,
                                                              AND IF YOU’RE DOING IT RIGHT,
                                                                  ADAPT, AND GIVE THEM YOUR
                                                              YOU WON’T KNOW EVERYTHING
                                                                  BEST. YOU EXPECT THEM TO GIVE
                                                              IN YOUR 50TH YEAR. LEARN,
                                                                  YOU THEIR BEST, SO YOU HAVE TO
                                                              ADAPT, AND GIVE THEM YOUR
                                                                  DO IT IN RETURN.
                                                              BEST. YOU EXPECT THEM TO GIVE
                                                              YOU THEIR BEST, SO YOU HAVE TO

                                                              DO IT IN RETURN.
              Trankler has an endless fascination with learning,
              and he shares that passion with his students. He was
              drawn to teaching because of his desire to give back.
                   Trankler has an endless fascination with learning,
                   and he shares that passion with his students. He was
                   drawn to teaching because of his desire to give back.
              responses that were pretty specific about various   there, my family was there, and that’s when they told
              situations. I easily put 100 hours of my time into this,   me I had won.
                   responses that were pretty specific about various
                                                                    I knew that they were going to announce the
              and it’s not just the time spent typing; it’s time spent   there, my family was there, and that’s when they told
                                                             me I had won.
                   situations. I easily put 100 hours of my time into this,
                                                                  winner that day, but it seemed like such a normal
              thinking and reflecting.                          I knew that they were going to announce the
                   and it’s not just the time spent typing; it’s time spent
                                                                  day that I just assumed I didn’t win. I figured I would
                 I felt really good about my application, but I know  winner that day, but it seemed like such a normal
                   thinking and reflecting.
                     I felt really good about my application, but I know
              there’s a lot of talented career and tech teachers out   day that I just assumed I didn’t win. I figured I would
                                                                  have been able to tell if something was off. I’m a
                   there’s a lot of talented career and tech teachers out
              there doing things differently than me. We have a lot   have been able to tell if something was off. I’m a
                                                                  pretty observant person and I didn’t notice anything
                   there doing things differently than me. We have a lot
              of good things happening in this program, and some   pretty observant person and I didn’t notice anything
                                                                  out of the ordinary, so they got me for sure.
                   of good things happening in this program, and some
                                                             out of the ordinary, so they got me for sure.
              of the statistics are really impressive.
                   of the statistics are really impressive.
                     But ultimately it’s the kids. Success breeds suc-
                 But ultimately it’s the kids. Success breeds suc-  TW: How do you plan to use the prize money?
                   cess, and I get kids in here year after year who just
              cess, and I get kids in here year after year who just   TW: How do you plan to use the prize money?
                   work, and when they leave they go out and do
              work, and when they leave they go out and do   Trankler: I’ve got all kinds of things on my wish list,
                                                                  Trankler: I’ve got all kinds of things on my wish list,
                   fantastic things in industry.
              fantastic things in industry.                  but the main ones are updating our CNC technol-
                                                                  but the main ones are updating our CNC technol-
                                                             ogy and the sawing process. The $70,000 prize is a
                                                                  ogy and the sawing process. The $70,000 prize is a
                                                             tremendous amount of money, and I’ve never before
                   TW: Describe the moment when you found out
                                                                  tremendous amount of money, and I’ve never before
                   that you had won.
              TW: Describe the moment when you found out     had that big of a burst of cash to spend. I’m going
                                                             to consult my advisory committee and some indus-
                                                                  had that big of a burst of cash to spend. I’m going
              that you had won.                              trial professionals because I want to make sure I’m
                   Trankler: It was a total surprise. Once a year we do
                                                                  to consult my advisory committee and some indus-
                   a SkillsUSA fun day where we play games and try to   spending the money on the right stuff.
                                                                  trial professionals because I want to make sure I’m
              Trankler: It was a total surprise. Once a year we do   We currently have a 4 x 4 CNC plasma table, but
                   build camaraderie among the group. So, I was actu-
                                                                  spending the money on the right stuff.
              a SkillsUSA fun day where we play games and try to   I’d like to upgrade to a 5 x 10. We just got into Real
                   ally outside with the kids that day having a kickball
                                                                    We currently have a 4 x 4 CNC plasma table, but
                   tournament. My boss came out to the field and told
              build camaraderie among the group. So, I was actu-  World Scholars, which was part of the Harbor Freight
                   me there was a problem in the shop, so we went
                                                                  I’d like to upgrade to a 5 x 10. We just got into Real
              ally outside with the kids that day having a kickball   Tools for Schools learning experience. What that
                   back to the lab and I was surprised to see a bunch
              tournament. My boss came out to the field and told   means is we’re making real-world products and we’re
                                                                  World Scholars, which was part of the Harbor Freight
                   of people from industry, a state representative was
                                                             having the kids design and pitch ideas, and we’re
              me there was a problem in the shop, so we went      Tools for Schools learning experience. What that
              back to the lab and I was surprised to see a bunch   means is we’re making real-world products and we’re
              of people from industry, a state representative was   having the kids design and pitch ideas, and we’re
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