Page 20 - HIWT Fall 2013 World of Welding
P. 20

THE WORLD OF WELDING                                                

            A LETTER FROM THE                                               NEW WEBSITE FOR

            SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE                                            THE WORLD OF
            TO HOBART INSTITUTE                                             WELDING

                                                                            A  new  website  has  been  launched  for  The
                                                                            World of Welding  as  it  gains  popularity  and

                                                                            You may now access the magazine along with
                                                                            a few back issues at:

                                                                            For ease of reading, with a click of a mouse
                                                                            you  may  leaf  through  the  pages,  read  the
                                                                            articles,  and  advertisemetns,  clicking  on
                                                                            various hot-links to gain more information.

                                                                            This  is  a  valuable  resource  to  the  welding
                                                                            industry as well as to educators who utilize
                                                                            the  magazine  in  their  classroom  to  enhance
                                                                            the learning experiences of their students.

                                                                            Electronic publication coincides with environ-
                                                                            mentally friendly efforts that are being made
                                                                            by Hobart Institute to include the publication
                                                                            of  the  Course Catalog  on  the  home-base
                                                                            website  and  the  online
                                                                            ordering and availability of information about
                                                                            the training materials on that website as well.

                                                                            Be sure to check it out and let us know what
                                                                            you think!

            POSTER SERIES


            The series of posters that have been popular for classroom and
            shop use have been enhanced.  Now in full color, containing
            up-dated  photos  and  drawings,  this  educational  standard  is
            ready for your walls.

            You  may  order  one  or  the  entire  set  either  online  at  http://
    or  by  calling  the
            bookstore at 1-800-332-9448, ext. 5433.  Faxes may be sent
            to 937-332-5220.

                                                                     2QH H[DPSOH RI D SRVWHU LQ WKH (:     VHULHV WKDW LV
                                                                             FRORU HQKDQFHG DQG XSGDWHG

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