Page 21 - HIWT Fall 2013 World of Welding
P. 21                             HOBART INSTITUTE OF WELDING TECHNOLOGY


             &RQWLQXHG IURP SDJH

            This project really attracted my interest as the lead welding
            instructor and a cycling enthusiast who travels to and from
            school  on  my  commuter  bicycle.    Long  before  I  began
            teaching,  I  was  a  bicycle  frame  builder  who  welded  high-
            end professional titanium racing bikes.  I am also a current
            competitive bike racer.   Bicycles are such an American icon
            that most kids, young and old can appreciate, since most of
            us grew up at one point pedaling a bicycle in our childhood.
            Quite a few of us still share the passion for pedaling long into
            our senior years.

            $V  P\  ROG  IULHQG   0DWW  2¶.HHIH  IURP  6HYHQ  &\FOHV   ZKR
            builds and welds titanium racing bikes, says, “It’s always a
            good day when I am on my bike!”  And it’s always a good day
            to be on a bike path with the wind in your face and a smile on
            your face, feeling as if you were a little kid once again!  6WXGHQWV  OLVWHQ  WR  IXUWKHU  LQVWUXFWLRQV  WR  FRPSOHWH  WKLV  PRGHUQ
                                                                ELF\FOH VR LW LV³UHDG\ IRU WKH UDFH ´
            Assabet Valley welding students started with a design concept
            in mind.  They then move into a group discussion with large
            white  sketching  paper  on  hand.    They  capture  their  ideas
            quickly in somewhat sloppy sketching, just to get their thoughts
            on paper.   Their full-scale drawings are neat, accurate, and
            clean with a clear understanding of what the sculpture is going         New!
            to look like. They compile a material list and an operations   Brand new DVD and instructor guide to
            list.  The cutting, fabricating, and welding are done and then
            WKH SLHFHV DUH ¿QDOO\ ¿QLVKHG ZLWK SDLQWLQJ E\ $XWR &ROOLVLRQ   complete the teaching packet for Pipe Layout
            Department students.  A strong emphasis was made that all    IRU 3LSH¿WWHUV DQG :HOGHUV
            public art must be safe in design, with absolutely no sharp
            edges, and a sturdy structure that will withstand the test of time
            and all weather elements.  In the end, the metal fabrication
            students were given an opportunity to showcase their creative
            welding talents while the citizens of Hudson appreciate their
            artistic metal art creations.

            A  job  well  done  by  all Assabet  Metal  Fabrication  students
            who worked on these projects!  Also, congratulations to all
            welding  students  from  around  the  country  and  especially                       The complete cur-
            Hobart students for the excellent work that you are doing.  I                        riculum  includes
                                                                                                 DVDs and an in-
            would encourage you to keep on creating neat things out of                           structor guide (in-
            metal.  After all, one day you will make someone happy by                            cluding  instructor
            creating works of art.  My welding hat is off and I salute the                       materials, 1 learn-
            next generation of welders!                                                          ing packet, written
                                                                                                 tests, and answer
                                                                                                 keys for tests.)
                                                                                                 Retail price: $1195.00.
            1HLO  0DQV¿HOG  LV  WKH  /HDG  0HWDO  )DEULFDWLRQ  7HDFKHU  DW   Place your order today!
            Assabet Valley Regional  Technical High School, U.S. Navy
            Seabees Chief Ret., blacksmith artist, industrial welder, and
            sheet metal worker.   View Neil’s metal creations at  www.  1-800-332-9448 ext. 5433
                                                                      Fax: 937-332-5220

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