Page 12 - Summer 2014 World of Welding
P. 12

THE WORLD OF WELDING                                                                


            In addition to making many, many presentations each year at
            various high schools and career centers, the Hobart Institute’s
            Marketing  and  Career  Development  Representatives,  Janet
            Piechocki  and  Kevin  Trick,  also  cover  career  fairs  and
            expositions  to  educate  people  about  welding  occupations.
            This past quarter, here are a couple where they were able to
            meet some of you.

                                                                            Xtreme Bots Competition Winners:
            By Janet Piechocki
            Marketing and Career Development Representative     1st Place- Bloomsburg Area High School, Bloomsburg, PA- Executor
                                                                2nd  Place-Rose-Hulman  Institute  of  Technology,  Terre  Haute,IN-
            On March  22, Hobart  Institute  exhibited  at  the  Xtreme   K.E.W.
            BOTS  program at the EJ Nutter Center in Dayton.   The   3rd Place- Centerville High School, Centerville, OH- Ramrod

            program, originally by the Dayton Region Manufacturers   Merit Award recipients:
            Association (DRMA), was started seven years ago as a way
            for local  students to gain practical  knowledge of Science,   People's Choice- Live Oaks Career Development Campus, War Path
            Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) - essential skills   Best Documentation- Centerville High School, Ramrod
            for manufacturing.  Through BOTS, students get hands-on   Best Engineer Design-Bloomsburg Area High School, Foxx
            experience  while designing and building  remote  controlled   Best Sportsmanship- Oakwood Jr./Sr. High School, Scrap Iron
            robots that face off in competition.

            The  management  of  the  program  was
            then turned over to a new organization,
            Ohio Robotics, Inc., which is led by DRMA
            members Dan Griffith, President-Dysinger
            Inc., Steve Staub-  Staub Manufacturing
            Solutions,  Neil  Arthur,  CEO  -  Arthur                                       Our international
            Associates LLC.,  and educator Bryan                                              certifications
            Jackson-Miami Valley Career Technology                                            qualify you to
            Center  (MVCTC).  Ohio Robotics,  Inc.                                           work worldwide
            is  a  501(c)(3)  not  for  profit  charitable                                   and year-round.
            Ohio corporation. Ohio Robotics plans to                                           Offshore diving
            expand the Xtreme BOTS competition in                                          opportunities include the
            the coming years as well as support year-                                       inspection, installation,
            round STEM initiatives.  Working with                                           and repair of offshore
                                                                                             oil drilling platforms
            educators, manufacturers and community                                             and pipelines.
            organizations,  Ohio Robotics develop                                            Inland opportunities
            programs that support STEM career paths,                                        include construction,
            including welding, into manufacturing for                                       repair and inspection
            students in the Miami Valley.                                                  of bridges, water towers,
                                                                                          nuclear power facilities and
            This year, over 40 area  high schools,                                        countless other infrastructure.
            career  centers  and  universities brought                                      Our graduates are
            their  robots and teams  with names such                                         in high demand.
            as  Hercules,  Iron  Giant,  The  Miners,                                     All training is conducted
            Maximus,  Reckless  Rednecks,  Wright  to                                         in open water.
            be Rowdy, etc. to face the competition that                                        Financial aid
            was hosted at Wright State University.                                         for those who qualify.
                                                                                           Use your VA benefits
                     (Continued on page 13)                                                      with us.

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