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Hobart Institute Adds New Staff Sean Shultis has joined the staff of HIWT
as a Technical Instructor. Sean will be
Jerrod Clack recently joined the Hobart teaching various Technical courses such as
Institute of Welding Technology as Basic Blueprint, Advanced Blueprint and
a skill instructor. Jarrod graduated Weldability.
from Tri-County North High school and Sean is an AWS Certified Welding
began attending Hobart Institute of Inspector and Certified Welding Educator.
Welding Technology in January of 2011. He brings over 20 years of combined
Immediately after completion he went to experience in the areas of: welding,
work at Crown Equipment in Celina as a Sean Shultis fabrication, inspection, testing, evaluation,
welder. He has also worked at Automotive
Jerrod Clack research and development to HIWT. He has attended HIWT for
Resource Inc. At ARI, Jerrod built hydraulic
lifts and fire trucks for the military as well as other equipment for Welding Skills and Technical classes. Sean comes to HIWT from the
United States Army.
companies such as Rolls Royce and Pratt & Whitney. “We welcome
Jerrod to our HIWT team and look forward to working with him” “When I attended HIWT for CWI/CWE and various other Skills and
said Ron Scott, Vice-President and General Manager. Technical welding classes, I knew that I would truly enjoy working
for the Institute because of the caliber of professionals who make
Jarrod currently resides in Arcanum with his wife Lauren and up the staff. The instructors and the classes that they teach are
daughter Edyn. executed with a relentless pursuit of excellence. Humbly, it is an
Emily Fox joined the Hobart Institute of honor that I have been given the opportunity to join this outstanding
Welding Technology team as Marketing group of professionals.” Chip Prinz, Director of Corporate Services
and Career Development Representative states “I am very pleased to have Sean join the staff. He brings an
in July. Emily is responsible for visiting extreme amount of talent and hands on experience to the group. His
area career centers and high schools passion for helping students learn is second to none.”
to promote HIWT, and assisting Sean currently resides in Troy, Ohio. In his spare he enjoys custom
graduates and graduating students to fabrication, pin striping art, leather-working, aviation hobbies and
secure employment in welding. Prior to spending time with friends and family.
HIWT, Emily worked as an Admission
Emily Fox Representative for a college. She earned HIWT is pleased to welcome Kevin Trick to
a Bachelor’s Degree from Urbana University in History and a the team as a Technical Instructor. Kevin
Master’s in Education from Antioch McGregor. is responsible for teaching Blueprint,
Advanced Blueprint, Weldability, and
“Emily is a great addition to the Career Development team. She has Certified Welding Supervisor with the pas-
experience in the education setting and a positive attitude”, states sion to teach Certified Welding Inspector
Melinda Jeffery, Marketing and Career Development Manager. classes in the future.
“Emily fits in well with the team and the culture of the school”.
Kevin is an AWS Certified Welding
Emily lives in Tipp City, OH. She enjoys traveling, spending time Inspector and brings 10 years of welding,
with family and friends, and Ohio State Football. Kevin Trick inspection, procedure development and
HIWT is pleased to welcome Michael optimization experience to HIWT. He has welded in 3 countries and
Mariana to the team as a Skill Welding 15 different states. He is a 2008 HIWT Graduate. Kevin comes to
Instructor. Michael is an HIWT graduate HIWT from Hobart Filler Metals.
in the Combination Structural and
Pipe welding program February 2013. Kevin has always had a passion to pass on the trade through teach-
Additionally, he completed the Pipe Layout ing the future generation of welders. “When I first walked through
and Pipe Downhill Classes. Before the doors at HIWT as a student I had never welded before. I was
attending HIWT Michael served in the greeted with welcoming instructors and staff that supported my
United States Marine Corp for eight education, passion, and development as a quality welder. I remem-
Michael Mariana years, serving two terms in Iraq. Michael ber what it was like being completely new to welding and how
comes to HIWT from MAC Trailer where he was a finish welder and supportive my instructors were. I wanted to be able to help others in
supervisor. the way I was helped. Instructing is such a rewarding experience.”
“When I graduated from HIWT I knew I wanted to come back Director of Corporate Services Chip Prinz adds “Kevin is a great ad-
to be an instructor, stated Michael. “I had to get in my years of dition to the team and brings an immense amount of enthusiasm
experience and knew as soon as I got that, I would be back”. and knowledge to the classroom. I am excited to see Kevin grow
Ron Scott, HIWT Vice President and General Manager, “Michael even more and help students in his career here at HIWT”.
is a great addition to our staff. He is certainly willing to share his Kevin currently resides in Troy, Ohio with his girlfriend, Katie and
experience and knowledge of welding with students.” their dog, Tiggy. In his spare time he enjoys hunting and spending
time with friends and family.
Michael resides in Troy, Ohio. In his spare time he likes to fish and
watch sports – specifically The Ohio State Buckeyes.
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