Page 9 - HIWT Fall 2017 World of Welding
P. 9


            in art class last year, and one work was chosen to be created. A
            young lady named Amelia came up with the sculpture our students
            are creating. The characters, Goldilocks, Prince Charming and
            Little Red Riding Hood are arranged on the base of the sculpture,
            which is a book. Prince charming is holding up a giant pencil that
            Red Riding Hood will be running up created to caring her basket.
            On the back end of the pencil there will be little flags with the   productive citizens.
            words; trustworthy, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and   Glen Sanders
            citizenship. The sculpture was designed by a fourth grader and my   Fine Arts Director
            goal was to make sure the characters looked like they were drawn   George Junior Republic
            by a fourth grader. The faces and hands being left open, built by   724-458-9330 x2079
            metal rod help emphasize that point. Mike Jenkins, the welding
            instructor, made sure that the sculpture was structurally sound.
            The students did all the work from cutting
            pieces out with the plasma cutter, heating
            and bending rod and welding the sheet metal
            to create all the objects that make up the
            sculpture. This sculpture gave our students
            a real project to work on and practice
            everything that Mr. Jenkins is teaching in
            the shop. Once the welding students were
            completed with their part, it then went on
            to the auto body shop where the students
            prepped, primed and painted the sculpture.
            There were approximately 40 students who
            worked on fabricating the sculpture by the
            time it was finished. This was a tremendous
            opportunity for our students not only to work
            on something large like this, but to give back                      Follow us on Facebook:
            to community. They learned not just skills of             
            the trade but how to become better and more

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