Page 13 - HIWT Summer 2011 World of Welding
By Jeff Magill, Welding Instructor, Wheatland High School, Wheatland, California.
As most welding teachers (especially in high school) know, the left-hand welding glove goes through hell if students
don’t use a pair of tongs, pliers, or other tools to move hot metal to the cooling tank or around in the shop when
working various projects, certification tests, etc. I wrote this poem and had a great response from my classes.
I am Lefty, the left-handed glove
And, believe you me, this is not a saga of love.
I was born from by-products of an animal that some of you
may eat;
I was left-over from hamburgers, cheeseburgers, steaks,
other meat.
I am made from the hide, tanned, cut and split;
I go on your hand, I usually fit.
My job is to protect you from sparks, fire, and heat;
Along with the clothes, helmet, goggles, it’s neat.
I took my place along side my bookend twin “Righty.”
I thought together with all the gear we looked real mighty.
Then one day the troubles began;
Instead of tongs for picking up hot metal he used me and ran
To the water tank where the metal was cooled down.
My fingers and thumb started to cook and I began to frown.
I then began to notice that Righty wasn’t
looking so bad;
All he was doing was holding the stinger
and glad.
As time went by I became wrinkled, crisp,
and worn out; Our international
The hand didn’t go in easy, I was cooked, qualify you to
and no doubt work worldwide
and year-round.
My life was near an end, for leather can’t Offshore diving
take the intense heat; opportunities include the
I suddenly found myself in a heap. inspection, installation,
Away from Righty hidden behind a table or and repair of offshore
in the trash, oil drilling platforms
I no longer had value, I once was so brash. and pipelines.
Inland opportunities
include construction,
To think I could last forever and help my repair and inspection
welder be a great one, of bridges, water towers,
But he didn’t care about me, my life was nuclear power facilities and
done. countless other infrastructure.
Our graduates are
in high demand.
J. Magill 1/11
All training is conducted
in open water.
Financial aid
for those who qualify.
Use your VA benefits
with us.